ASUS A696 and A686: small and stylish successors worthy ancestors
Soon after the company ASUSTeK Computer showed its new navigation PDA A696 at CES 2007, it officially announced its upcoming release. As it turns out, models are actually two - A696 and A686. The second bit simpler, different processor and internal memory. New items do not have anything particularly revolutionary in technical terms, rather they give the impression zatyuningovannogo ASUS MyPAL A636, or rather its modernization - MyPal A636N. As the main flavor innovations, the company gives it the design, here and subtlety, and the use of stainless steel in the hull, and the absence of an external flip antenna. Thus, the CCP is looking more modern and stylish, noticeable difference in appearance from the A636N. Using the internal antenna, played no role in reducing the size PDA. In the fashionable trend to reduce the thickness of the devices have both supporters and opponents. We can not deny one thing - a thin device will be much more convenient to carry in a pocket of his jacket, shirt or jeans than its "fat" analog. Devices A696 and A686 have a thickness of 15.7 mm, which although not a record, but just a little PDA in its class. For comparison, A636N has a thickness 18,8-19,45 mm. The decrease in thickness is not affected negatively by the width or length, as often happens when the fineness is achieved by increasing one or both of these parameters - the overall dimensions were 117x70, 8x15, 7 mm, against 122h73, 2h18 ,8-19, 45 mm . y A636N. Weight of new products also increased, and even decreased - instead of 186 gr. claimed 165 grams. On the other hand, a similar reduction in size is not a record, for example, a series of GPS-PDA, which includes the Pocket LOOX N520 and N560 from Fujitsu-Siemens has dimensions of 116x71x14 mm with similar features (not counting, of course, lack of support for the Bluetooth interface in the low-end model and a VGA-display with an Intel 624 MHz at the highest). In addition to the more compact, stylish metal body and the lack of attention-getting an external antenna, has changed the location of controls, they arranged a more traditional manner. Also, instead of one speaker at the side of the joystick, there are two dynamics at his sides.
With regard to technical performance, the A696 and the A686 is not too much different from the A636N. The older model has more ROM-RAM, 256 MB, 128 MB of space, and the younger - less nimble Intel XScale processor with 312 MHz, instead of the Intel XScale 416 MHz. It should be noted that ASUS has already released a model with similar parameters A636N, but more memory - Asus MyPal A639, which has built-in 1 GB of ROM. At one point with A696 and A686, the company had to make sacrifices, perhaps in favor of thinness and compactness. Novelty got battery 1200 mAh. Recall that the A636N is equipped with a 1300 mAh battery. However, while data on the duration of the device has neither the manufacturer nor the test results. How much difference would be principled, yet we can not say with certainty.
The rest of the possibility of A696 and A686 is similar predecessors. The company did not offer any VGA-display, or any other significant technical improvements. A small detail: the materials that were presented by, for whatever reason (perhaps because of its absence) does not indicate support for IrDA, the company is also forgot to specify the memory card slot and format. However, witnesses from CES 2007 confirm the presence of the infrared port and a slot for cards SD.That characteristic, according to the manufacturer:
- Operating system Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC
- 3.5-inch touchscreen display with QVGA (240x320 pixels) with anti-reflective coating
- Intel XScale processor 312 MHz (A686) or the Intel XScale 416 MHz (A696)
- 64 MB RAM and 128 MB (A686) or 256 MB (A696) ROM
- GPS-module based on SiRF Star III chipset
- Support for Wi-Fi (802.11 b / g) and the interface Bluetooth 2.0 EDR
- Microphone and speakers
- Removable Battery 1200 mAh
- Dimensions - 117h70, 8h15, 7 mm
- Weight - 165 grams
Exact timing of the company has not yet announced, but it is expected that this will happen approximately in February. Summary. The company has created a mid-level PDA, however, has many attractive from the standpoint of the consumer features. New items are not as great as the A636N and A639, have a nice "sophisticated" design, in line with fashion trends. The fact that probably fell while working on a single charge, many will probably be not too big an obstacle. The reason for this should be - A636N, A639 and a couple other PDAs in this family provide the actual record length of battery life. This is an undeniable plus counterbalanced in the eyes of potential buyers of large sizes. Thus, proceeding from the information provided, it can be concluded that by creating A696 and A686, ASUSTeK has made a compromise between battery life and size, adding a couple extra zest. Since the company is spared the theme of working hours, one could argue that boasts a novelty here is nothing. Probably, the company concluded that the devices, sharpened for use in the car, records the time the work is less important than that is not too large. In any case, new items appear potentially more attractive for consumers than their predecessors. Like it or not, time will tell.
ASUS navigation device name
The network revealed information about another new product from the company ASUSTeK Computer. She is a member of another class of "smart" devices. It is not just PDAs and communicator. Pegasus (a code name of development) is the second in a row smartphone from ASUS, which has a built-in GPS (the first was the ASUS P535). Devices that combine PDA, phone and navigator, gradually appears more and more, but the market is still relatively free, it is not surprising that the company plans to occupy its own niche there. Amusing and revealing that the company is actually called the future novelty after a favorite: the manufacturer's name goes back to a mythical winged horse Pegasus (Pegasus), the first three letters were mercilessly pushed for a higher position in the alphabetical list.
So far about this device is known not too much. Information and images of Pegasus were published on the website of the organization iF (International Forum) Design Gallery prestigious IF Product Design Award. There are reports that the model is fairly thin - 15.4 mm. Form-factor innovation is the successor of the ideas implemented in the ASUS P525. That is, it combines the capabilities of the platform Pocket PC, including touch-screen display with a numeric keypad. However, the design has changed significantly compared to its predecessor. Pegasus has no joystick, which in P525 is located between the buttons on the keyboard. As a substitute offered dial Jog Dial, in this case stated a convenient one-hand control. Camera (the image can make out what she 2-MP) is framed by an insert made of aluminum, the front panel is also used metal edging. In my opinion, this model is not so attractive in appearance, but it is certainly very subjective approach. The body is made in a less conservative style, while the P525 impression model for business. Pegasus also looks less solid. Perhaps this is a tribute to "environmentally friendly" image, the device is positioned exactly on the site iF Design.
Relative to the size to say anything with certainty at present is difficult. P525 differs enviable for this form factor compact (117x59x19 mm), Pegasus will inherit if this advantage is not yet known, since the dimensions are not specified. In appearance between the keyboard and display more than P525, clearance, suggesting the possibility of increasing size. However, it is difficult to say anything for sure until you see the data in millimeters. On the other hand, a slight increase in size may be due to the presence of GPS-module. It should be noted that in terms of a combination of the device of this form factor with integrated navigation capabilities, ASUS has a good chance to be a pioneer.
HTC Cavalier: a powerful smart phone delayed?
The Taiwanese company HTC (High Tech Computer), which put her hand in the creation and mass production of smart devices based on Windows Mobile, also has admirers willing to share with the public information is not submitted formal models of future innovations. Internet resource of The Boy Genius has published photos of the smartphone HTC S650 (Cavalier) in the process of opening the package prepared for sale. Incidentally, he also reports unfortunate event - the European division HTC allegedly sent a message to distributors that start selling HTC S650 is delayed indefinitely. According to other rumors edition to be held in the near future, perhaps the manufacturer will make the announcement at the upcoming 3GSM World Congress to be held from 12 to 15 February in Barcelona.
Recall that the HTC Cavalier is an heir to a thin smartphone with a QWERTY-keyboard HTC S620 (Excalibur), which was released this fall. He received a slightly modified design and a more powerful performance and communication. In the majority, stated in an earlier rumor features of the model are confirmed by Boy Genius. So, on a smartphone screen when viewing system information, reports on the 2442 Samsung processor clocked at 400 MHz. Probably, HTC Cavalier will be the first smartphone under the brand name HTC, who will receive such a nimble processor. For comparison, Excalibur is equipped with TI OMAP processor clocked at 200 MHz. Another difference from the predecessor in support of third-generation networks, including high-speed standard HSDPA. Thus, HTC Cavalier boasts a complete set of gentlemen - four-band GSM / GPRS / EDGE, three-band UMTS / HSDPA, wireless Wi-Fi network interface and Bluetooth. With such talent HTC S650 easily rival the smartphone Samsung Ultra Messaging i600, with similar capabilities. Also, the source reported a 2-megapixel camera, whereas in the arsenal of Excalibur camera only 1.3 megapixel.
In general, it's the main differences between the follower from its predecessor. In other characteristics are similar: an expanded horizontal 2.4-inch QVGA display, QWERTY-keyboard, 64 MB RAM 128 MB ROM, slot for microSD memory cards and so on. Unique control, side touch strip JoGGR, was also inherited from the Excalibur. As can be seen on one of the photos the box, the model is marked as HTC S630, so maybe that will be called smart phone on sale, but not HTC S650 as previously assumed. Remains the only cross your fingers and hope that the issue will not be delayed very much strong.
iPhone-view, or ten days later
January 9, Apple announced its first phone iPhone, formal submission had been waiting several years. Naturally, after this passion around it only heated. On the one hand, it remains quite a lot is not clarified by the moments about which you could gossip, share information or get spyware information. On the other hand, people able to really confirm one or another fact not mentioned on the official site of Apple, in fact. About any tests or reviews so far are not talking because it works every two samples of the device and obchelsya. Fuel to the fire and pour the people fell out of deep love for the new gadget, its staunchest opponents, competitors, Apple, analysts and others, and others. Let's see what was happening on the network around the phone, who managed to become a legend long before the announcement. Began to accumulate various details regarding the filling and the functionality of the model. For example, reports on the possible (!) Appear to June features video recording, which, so far, seems to be absent in the camera. There was some certainty about the processor, the majority of converge on the Samsung with a 200 MHz or 266 MHz, and not Intel, as previously assumed. While some sources still opt for the latest CPU Marvell PXA320 (family Monahans). Official confirmation of either of the other versions yet. One of the journalists publications Chicago Sun-Times published an article, which described the 45 minutes spent alone with the iPhone. In this paper, among other things, alleged that the iPhone runs on Mac OS X Leopard, but the phone will not run software designed for PC Mac (and some on this so hoping:) In addition, widgets, it will be used by others. Appeared information about the price of the iPhone in the absence of a contract with the operator. Recall that at the moment official sources known only to the price for the U.S., where the exclusive provider of phone will be operator Cingular Wireless and purchase it will be subject to a contract - $ 499 for 4 GB model and $ 599 for 8 GB model. According to one version, in Europe the price toys will be around $ 1175 (595 pounds or 900 euros) for the 4 GB version and $ 1300 (660 pounds or 1000 euros) for the 8 GB version. And this is not the limit of assumptions they speak about the cost of the iPhone without a contract with any operator. Moreover, according to some reports, the phone generally will not extend beyond the carrier channels. The analyst firm iSuppli added fuel to the fire, figuring the approximate cost of one unit, and published the result: $ 280.83. It turns out that with every phone sold, profits would be around 50%. According to iSuppli, this move allows Apple to spend a significant reduction in the prices of their novelty. Here, however, is not considered such "trifles", such as years of development, testing, promotion costs and the like.
Analytical companies generally quite vividly reacted to the announcement of Apple. In general, suggests that to produce real competition to existing market leaders, the phone should be cheaper procedure. On the other hand, predicted that the iPhone will spur production of devices with similar interfaces by other manufacturers.According to the company Strategy Analytics, in the two years the number of handsets sold with an interface based solely on the touch screen will be 115 million should be noted that the first signs are already there - the mobile phone PRADA Phone by LG (KE850), which, incidentally, should appear on sale much earlier iPhone - in February and recommended to Europe the price for it is $ 600. Of course, he does not have many virtues iPhone, but it looks like a much more "folksy" model. Analysts also expressed doubts about the durability and ease of interface touch-screen iPhone in such use. Added my two cents worth to the discussion of new items and competitors Apple. For example, Steve Ballmer (Steve Ballmer), head of Microsoft, also said that the iPhone is too expensive and with Windows Mobile devices are significantly cheaper (probably refers also to a contract with the operators of the model). Do not stay aside from the theme of the iPhone and domestic guru of Web-design Artemy Lebedev. In his project "Business-Lynch, which arranged the" debriefing "of different products of design, he made a withdrawal and a novelty from Apple. Lebedev's iPhone made a rather negative impression - like the designer only automatic formatting of numbers (such as 212-85-06, not 2,128,506, as at all), but the cons had accumulated a lot of nails of various lengths on the official picture iPhone, to the lack of buttons and the inability to dial by feel. However, it should be noted that most of Lebedev's troubled moments of well-founded - the phone attached to the operator and the lack of "users" who managed a well test the phone.
Announcement of the original device could not cause a spike "popular" art. Almost immediately there were skins and simulators iPhone, allowing users to turn your Palm or Windows Mobile in "real» iPhone is not waiting for June and the official release. Such an initiative, of course, could not please Apple, put a lot of money and effort to the development of an interface. As a result, she immediately began a campaign not only against the authors of skins, but it and posted screen shots and links to the skins themselves of bloggers by sending them a letter of warning. This naturally led to even more violent reaction in the form of a wave of discontent is too massive to "repression". As a result of the illegal "interfaces" were much more advertising than it would be if a less intense reaction from the lawyers Apple.
Well, of course, do not sleep enthusiasts PhotoShop:
Meanwhile, in the bowels of the company is in full swing work on the iPhone, but most likely, and over the future of his generation. The team dealing with them, came out of the shadows, and Apple has published a list of 35 job-related, one way or another, with the iPhone. What can only be patient, closer to the release will probably more accurate and detailed information about this interesting development.
Briefly about other events of the week
Rumors panorama of the week
Google Switch: Phone by Google or a button is no longer fashionable to rumors of "Guglfone" already appeared on the network.At this time there were published his picture. However, the site Engadget Mobile, posted the "image" itself is not too sure about the reality of this device. However, he said that if this is a real image, the Google Switch (the device name) has a fairly entertaining options. He received a large touch screen, buttons on the front panel seems to be absent. Also, virtually no built-in memory - all work is done through Web-based, supported by services such as Google Maps, Google Talk and Gmail. One of the anticipated highlights - an integrated GPS-receiver.
Zune Phone: will also be in the light of the announcement of iPhone, rumors began to live a new life on the phone through a series of output Zune from Microsoft. Information about plans for a Zune Phone has appeared in September, when a Microsoft representative told reporters that "sensation". New information is now not nearly came, but the subject was raised again. Site Zune Scene next picture is to compare the size of the iPhone and the player Zune, it is assumed that the Zune phone will be similar to the player size.
The first photo-slider smartphone HTC Vox also the first live network penetrated photo smartphone codenamed HTC (Vox). This is the first representative of a series slider smartphone based on Windows Mobile Smartphone, which is preparing to release the company HTC. It is expected that new products will be commercially known as HTC S710, it receives 2.4-inch is not touchscreen, a sliding side QWERTY-keyboard, in addition to regular digital. Release of the device is expected to soon enough.
Business panorama of the week
Socket Communications targeting the PDA market company Socket Communications, well known for its peripherals and software for mobile devices based on Windows Mobile and Windows, announced its intention to enter the market themselves handheld computers. Announced the release of the first series of devices, the company has not announced specific details about them. At the moment, we know that this will be the device for use in small and medium business, mobile staff working in services, sales, health, etc.The company intends to release the first model in the second quarter of 2007. For more information, she plans to announce later.
Soft-panorama of the week
Recent update QIP PDA Developers ICQ-messenger QIP released another update version for PDAs and smartphones based on Windows Mobile. The first test version of QIP PDA was introduced only recently - December 12, and since then has issued a second update. At this time, the version QIP PDA Build 1020, have been added such innovations as a button in the toolbar when you have unread messages, built-in font "ICQRus" for those who are present unreadable characters, the ability to connect through a proxy server. Also, there have been some updates and fixes, among them - by default displayed static loading smileys and optimized use of memory for emoticons (animated emoticons now occupy less than 3 MB of space), finalized the protocol (accept the incoming message). Of course, the work still has something, and very much so. For example, when using a client does not lack the ability to copy / paste and many other familiar features to the desktop version. However, the developers clearly did not intend to stop there, according to the rate of appearance upgrades.
New NetFront for Pocket PC you can test the software company Access Systems introduced a preview of the new version of Web-browser NetFront for Pocket PC. This is a test version, presented in order to receive feedback from users. It has some limitations that will be removed in the final commercial version. According to the developer, NetFront 3.4 is different from previous versions of the increased speed, as well as some new user-friendly features. For example, the function Page Pilot can be very useful when viewing pages that are not optimized for mobile devices - you can view the entire page as thumbnails, and to orient, to increase the desired site page. Visual Bookmarks feature displays thumbnails made to bookmark pages, which, according to the developer, allows you to quickly find the right and switch between them. It is expected that the final release of NetFront 3.4 for Pocket PC will be held during the first half of this year.
StyleTap: Palm OS applications on Windows Mobile Smartphones StyleTap Platform is a Palm OS emulator for Windows Mobile devices. In November last year was released for Pocket PC, is now the turn and to smartphones based on Windows. StyleTap allows you to run applications written for Palm OS, on the devices Windows Mobile. From smartphones to date supported the ones that are running Windows Mobile 5.0, including the Moto Q and the HTC Excalibur. This version of StyleTap has several new features, including the recognized control with 5-way keys and touch screen with stylus. Most of the changes compared to the version for Pocket PC is connected precisely with the interface, not core functions of the emulator. Currently represented preview version, however, developers are hoping that the test period will last no more than 2 months. Spb Software launched Spb-club known developer of software for Windows Mobile Pocket PC and Smartphone, Spb Software House Company solemnly announced the opening of the site Spb Club.It aims to become a real club for users of Pocket PC, where they can get advice and support, as well as content for your mobile device. In addition to the paid programs and games, users can visit free ringtones, themes and skins for standard Pocket PC-programs and programs of Spb. The site has already served several months in test mode and during that time the club had to join more than 15 thousand users.
Program-metronome from VITO VITO Metronome - a new program that provided by VITO Technology. It is designed to help hone your musical skills, acting as a highly customizable metronome. The program allows you to change the tempo, the size of the bar, as well as volume. The pace can be defined as using the standard preset values (Largo, Larghetto, Adagio, and so on) and manually tapped his stylus or pressing buttons on a smartphone. Supported by a variety of skins. The program is designed for Pocket PC, and smartphones based on Windows Mobile.
NS Birthday: remind you of birthdays NS Birthday - this is a simple programm from Nyxbull Software, which reminds you of birthdays of people whose coordinates are listed in the contact book. In addition to the date and name, as a nice bonus program to provide additional information about a person, including the zodiac, the number of days before the holiday, photos and so on. The program is free. It works with Windows Mobile 5.0 devices installed. NET Compact Framework 2.0.
Export Contacts: export contacts in HTML or XML freeware Export Contacts can export all contacts to an HTML or XML file, which can be useful in the absence of access to a PC or away from home. This program allows you to export more than 50 fields in the contacts, including photos and personal tone. She works with smartphones and Pocket PC based on Windows Mobile 5.0 with. NET Compact Framework 2. Until the only possible mode of export, the future is planned as the mode of import.
Call Manager and Profiles for Nokia 9300/9500 Communicator New Software For PDA Nokia Communicator 9300/9300i/9500, working on the basis of Series 80 comes not so often. The more valuable the new product from SymbianWave. Magic Comm Manager - a powerful tool for managing profiles and filtering calls and SMS. Profiles can be adjusted depending on the schedule (weekly and daily calendar) and the user's location in the network (work, meeting street ...), for each profile you can set your own filters acceptance / rejection calls. And that's not all possibilities Magic Comm Manager.
Hard-panorama of the week
Phone with a WVGA-screen New Japanese operators have traditionally almost envy lovers of technological innovation.Last week the Japanese operator KDDI and NTT Docomo broke the announcement of a series of new phones. One of them simply can not fail to mention. Model W52T, developed by Toshiba is the owner of luxury 3-inch display resolution WVGA (480x800 pixels), the envy of all PDAs and communicators. Such permission is now being used, such as 7-inch display ultra-mobile PCs. In this case, the device is designed as a slider. Size, of course, get a decent - 111x51x22 mm, but those who like to display quality of such trifles, for sure, will not be a hindrance. In addition to the display device equipped with 3.2-megapixel camera, Bluetooth-Adapter, 1 GB of internal memory and a slot for cards microSD.
New UMPC - compactness and thinness in the family of ultra mobile PCs based on Windows Vista has arrived. The developer of a series of US700, apparently, is not very well known company KIDC, but the question is, oddly enough, is not completely clear. This compact and slim device. Despite the use of 7-inch display, similar to displays in last year's models, UMPC, new items have smaller dimensions than their predecessors. Dimensions are 198h114h20, 5 mm, and weight - 560 grams. Devices operate on the basis of processor Intel Celeron M clocked at 1.06 GHz, 1 GB RAM, HDD 20-60 GB and so on.
The authors, translation: