It just so happened that while our editors are preparing a serious photography and serious coverage, dropped a minute to write about all the fun that observed at CeBIT 2003, our roving digital camera Casio QV-R3:) (more details about the camera). Well, now that a report is written, then delay its release is quite useless. We offer you a selection of gags CeBIT'a. Here's a funny robot strongly rotating head, went on the stand Institute Fraunhofer. With true "terminatorskim" red gleam in his eye robot collected on the pool table balls, deftly dodging the walls and obstacles.
But this system will be useful to start auto-service employees. It is a kind interactive manual for disassembly of aggregates. Enough to wear special glasses and look at the engine ... Directly opposite the real nuts on the engine lid arrows will appear with instructions what to do. Just incredible. The system can recognize images and display contextual information on them. Unfortunately, for recognizing the need for special tags, the number of species is limited.
But it is quite interesting. A small chip inside a soccer ball can bring a lot of good. For example, he makes camera automatically follow the flight of the ball, will help to resolve disputed issues on the subject of goals, off-sides, etc. In general, an interesting solution, only a matter of attaching the chip inside the pump the air ball.
These shoes will fit perfectly for James Bond. GPS in the heel, the transmitter in the insole, the antenna laces. A cool head and warm heart.
And you could leave on a typewriter F1. It is true that far and only on the screen. In general, cars in the stands stood very much: Hammer, smart, athletic. However, that in itself is not interesting. Much more interest is cars with mounted electronics, but more on that read our other materials.
Once is not izgolyayutsya manufacturers of desktop PCs. Sea of neon and literally sea water cooling system - is now the most squeak. How about a mouse with a booster and anti-lock system joystick?
For nostalgic for the Soviet pen with a small Gagarin flying inside. A special mouse with an astronaut.Most likely released in advance of this autumn - the planned launch of China's manned spacecraft.
If we are talking about the desktop, then let me introduce the latest technology - with a vertical keyboard shortcuts, and rear-view mirrors:) Oh, I do not know how it is convenient to work with this keyboard, but the sample was submitted to a completely industrial. Will likely have to taste the road and motolyubitelyam:)
If not mistaken, somewhere in the mid 20 th century, spread to some extent was a musical instrument called the theremin. Bringing the hand to an antenna or remove it, it was possible to extract from the instrument sounds of different pitch. At the booth Mitsubishi was surprised to find a modern version of theremin. Probably with lots of electronics inside:)
Stand firm, offering services for the destruction of computers. Joke. In fact, the company is engaged in restoration of data. The entire bench littered with burned-out components, and from the form of computer types burnt on the table from time to time brings down the thick smoke.
Horror sysadmin.
Venus Nokiyskaya? Or guide to action?
At the airport in Hamburg, you accompany a peculiar way. From time to time the unfortunate body shake. Dropped from the pockets of money are glued to the floor (checked:)). Interested parties can download the MPEG-An excerpt from the filmed process:)
Mercedes - present. Chewing gum - is unlikely.
Embracing the CeBIT, as well as all the immensity, it is simply impossible, but we try. Very soon, wait for the new fotoreporeportazh from the show. This time ...:) serious authors, translation: