Hewlett-Packard PDA market with confidence and with enviable persistence pierces its path toward the sun. After the departure of Sony from the U.S. market, Palm OS platform markedly lost in the appeal, giving way to more ambitious and assertive Pocket PC with a solid priest Microsoft for the frail shoulders. Many of the fans of Japanese giant after this act peremetnulis into the enemy camp. Almost certainly we can say that their choice was HP, with its great products. In all the polls, it is a series iPAQ is the most popular line of handheld platforms Pocket PC, h2210 is the most popular PDA with Windows Mobile 2003 OSes, well, herself HP now that the year with confidence and with a noticeable margin takes the top spot selling Pocket PC, is rapidly approaching to universal supremacy, that is, the overthrow of the king's giant palmOne. The next step on the way to the light at the end of the tunnel for the company to become a new line of handheld computers. How do you do about it have not heard? Yeah, come on. Of course, have heard - we have all ears buzz. Yes, and it is impossible not to notice even the most ordinary products of such a giant in the big world of small computers, which is the HP. However, no mistake, firmly believes in the fact that a number of fresh CCP contains only innovative products with a corresponding price. Not at all! There are here and quite a mundane state employees - rz1710. Modelka just a week ago came to the modest shelves of our vast country, do not preminuv immediately look to us "at the light." We only added fuel to the fire of their curiosity, turning an innocent rendezvous in vsamdelishnee test for vigorous newcomer. Let's see how this young man cope with all the obstacles. Packaging - this is the first metamorphosis of new iPAQ. rz1710 comes in a compact and stylish box, rather than predecessors. Sam handheld curious looks from a transparent "window", trying to find a faceless crowd of his future master. Our copy of itself found themselves quickly, and immediately found himself on his hands, without waiting for the arrival home. That's so romantic - the subway - and began our acquaintance with him. But what is it? Seeing a novelty, a passing young man unceremoniously stops me and starts to shy to ask, Is not this the most. Yes, yes, of course, the one with the here and now. Took from his pocket an old man, what's out there, this veteran of the current standards of HP iPAQ h1930, inquiring passerby looks at me: "Well, where's the point?" After thinking a little bit, I'm jealous of tidying up his new assistant, and brisk gait, going with his guest house. All the rest of the way I did not leave doubt - what if the novelty is really not new. It seems and looks very different, and slightly different hardware. However, looking ahead, stating: our casual acquaintance was right - the biggest innovations rz1710 lie in the design.
IPAQ'a appearance of a new budget level differs from its predecessors is very noticeable. Smoothness and style gave way to organic deliberate angularity. This gives a peculiar charm of novelty technology products. rz1710 gives the impression of some newfangled machine parts from the factory of the future or at least parts of the body of robot-transformer of the relevant cartoons, which were so popular when the Teletubbies with a pokemon was not there, but it was green grass, blue sky and a "mouse" with the balls. As is the case with their predecessors, rz1710 has a light top and dark bottom - almost a standard solution for many of today's Pocket PC. However, earlier models (iPAQ h1940 and h1930) looked much more organically. The fact that the front face of a metallized rz1710 not completely - the domain of hardware buttons calling application match for the rear of the chassis is painted black. Equally mourning color adheres to "cap". In general, the new design has turned on the fan. It is hardly necessary to reproach HP's lack of taste, but we think the former solution is more reasonable - a stylish, organic and lovely. However, we believe that there is a mass of users who will attract a new conservative and austere style.Arriving home and have enough to enjoy the sweet society of strict new items, I finally turned to the contents of the box. Alas, nothing extraordinary there could not be found. Moreover, HP is clearly greedy, saving on the cover and cradle. Thus, a complete set rz1710 consists of the device, charging and synchronization cables. Naturally, there is a complete set of manuals and CDs with the software. Despite the scarcity of supply, rz1710 does contain what is needed to complete the work and therefore does not overburden its owner seeking optional immediately after purchase. Completely adequate solution to the looks and the usual replacement cradle cable. Of course, no doubt, head of the table clearly lose in reliability without the element of bizarre, but hardly worthy of budget-pocket Camogo. Subordinate to the same cost and without much detail, but will be able to minimize your luggage on vacation or business trip. Cable as opposed to the stand does not burden the additional burden, and the dimensions of tangible savings. Finally, we have all the same budget item, and any shortcomings can be forgiven him.
From the pleasant things is to provide a stylus. He certainly succeeded, as is usually the case with HP. Cute and comfortable - what more could you want from the pen? Perhaps more is not necessary.
But the control is clearly not enough. Left and right ends stripped of their all, but at a lower opening located just soft rezet and connector for synchronizing with a desktop computer and recharging. By the way, is the standard cable and to feed into the CCP, but because it will always be with you, even if synchronization is not required. Perhaps it would be wiser to supply the handheld separate hole for such purposes. But do not let the bad news, because we have not yet dismantled the top end, and it contains many interesting things: on / off button, an expansion slot, IR port, microphone, headphones and stylus holder. Claims for a "geography" is superfluous - all very reasonably configured.
Controls the lower front panel are standard. Here are four key application buttons and the navigation joystick input function. Buttons can be nominally assign two actions at once - a single press and long-lasting hold. This feature is very useful in the past were required third-party software. It's nice that HP is so caring for the user. We were pleased with the composition and ergonomics - and the joystick and buttons will not cause strong criticism, except for minor carping about intimacy.
Having dealt with the analysis of looks, let's begin our consideration of the internal world of our hero. As it should be government employees, rz1710 has a minimum of functionality. The result is very mild in every sense of the CCP - sort of, palmOne Zire 31 platform Pocket PC. Rz1710 processor has a clock frequency of 203 MHz - hardly enough strap for the demanding user. Of course, will fall by the way utilities for overclocking, but without their help, the picture is rather depressing. Not happy, and memory. RAM is only 32 MB and the size of the user area and even fewer - 25 MB. But the ROM offers 10 MB of additional master volume, which is also-volatile.Memory expansion and opportunities rz1710 is, as usual with compact handheld through SD / MMC slot supporting SDIO. The final touch hardware portrait rz1710 - battery. Unfortunately, this smear did not add model plus. The local has a replaceable battery design and high capacity. Available 1000 mAh lasts for 2 hours 56 minutes in normal operation and at exactly 8:00 of music playback with the screen turned off. Finally, the screen. Perhaps the display rz1710 - a ray of light in the darkness rz1710. Having a standard for most Pocket PC settings (3.5 "320 x 240 pixels, 65,536 colors), the screen is endowed with a remarkable - an enviable level of brightness that exceeds the corresponding figures even more expensive models. It just so happened that my guest, we found two more old pals - Dell Axim X5 and the ASUS MyPal A716. It is clear that the devices are not very suitable for the new tenant of my pocket, but for want of a better and this prospect was tempting. Short time delay, all three handheld dutifully lined up in a friendly row, where it became immediately clear who was on that much.
Left to right: Dell Axim X5, HP iPAQ rz1710 and the ASUS MyPal A716 |
As can be seen, rz1710 very confidently look at the competition. Not able to compete with the cheerful budget-even a fancy and therefore very expensive A716, not to mention quite dull and not much cheaper X5. In general, HP has once again demonstrated its leadership in the development of displays for Pocket PC, which are only slightly inferior to counterparts from Sony. Incidentally, some time ago there were rumors that companies are cooperating in this direction, so have the best screens in their PDAs. Well, the credibility of these conversations no one checked, and if tested, the results did not reach us, but the only thing we can say with a bold confidence: the HP in most PDAs are set excellent screens, and rz1710 just a clear confirmation. Admit, for us it was a pleasant surprise to see in low-cost product as a quality "face."
What is the flip side of the screen? That's right, rear. And here the rz1710 is not too many elements. Worthy of attention only speaker. He has surprisingly good sound quality for its modest size, thereby organically complementing different "voice" in the PDA headphones. However zadnetortsevoe location of this element somewhat mutes the sound of the CPC, while keeping the computer by hand. The software component of the rz1710 is based on the latest OSes Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition. However, besides her and the attendant standard applications are available in purse "rz1710 some proprietary utilities. The main highlight of Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition is a full-time opportunity to turn the screen without rebooting.
Perhaps the main innovation coft-rz1710 is a trademark launcher for Today. This simple but powerful tool. It puts the main screen large buttons for the most popular applications, allowing you to easily and quickly access them.
Corporate launcher for HP iPAQ rz1710 |
Operates as a normal applet softinkoy-complement, including the disabled in the corresponding menu Today.
Another nice surprise is the manager of profiles, which allow maximum flexibility, and just as quickly adjust to changing conditions.
There have rz1710 and built softinkoy for viewing pictures - the same as usual at HP - a functional and comfortable.
As you probably know, usually at the Pocket PC button "on / off" in long-term retention in charge of lighting. In rz1710 is different: here it "tied" pop-up menu of options, which allows more functionally ordered this control - lock keys, turn off the display, go to the manager profiles or choose one of the existing ones, and much more. On the one hand, it is not very convenient, since the same manipulation of lighting will produce two steps instead of one, well, on the other - at your fingertips is a "brood" of options, instead of one. In any case, with regular features can always override any of the buttons to suit your needs, based on personal preferences.
Among other things, there is a preset package rz1710 and a good solution to the problem of multitasking Windows Mobile - Task Switcher. Note that it is not bad, not even good, not to mention excellent. Remember, its counterpart - iTask, who attended many of the earlier models, was much more interesting. Here in the presence of a simple pop-up dialogue with the minimum of options. It is a pity that HP is a step back. Latest anecdotal evidence, worthy of our attention to you, is built infomercial on Flash. He played well in the embedded player and colorful form tells about all the virtues of the model.Something similar happened with the desktop version of Windows, starting with version Me.
In general, the software suite pleased. It would, at least, it is unreasonable to require the budget items for something more. The only thing really missing is a backup utility. This application was part of the other iPAQ, and its absence in the rz1710 - undoubtedly negative, albeit small. It would also be nice to have on hand softinkoy to adjust the speed to conserve energy and even enhance performance. Speaking of the latter. It turns out that a more functional and attractive iPAQ h1940 for sale in the shops' computer in the palm "for the same $ 299 as the iPAQ rz1710. It is understandable, after all Pocket PCs for their time h1940 price level more than a year, and rz1710 appeared just now. Well, in any case be interesting to compare the two devices for performance than what we are going through benchmerka SPB Benchmark latest version - 1.0.0, Build 36. That's what the tests showed:
The figures speak for themselves - rz1710 in all respects inferior cvoemu unexpected competitor. Well, we do not get used to the slowness of the available Pocket PC. It seems that the owners rz1710 should forget about video quality and reasonable emulation of some Roma Sony Playstation, as well as consoles like her. What do we still get a result - only slightly updated h1930 in fresh wrap or is it a completely different product? Definitely - the first one. Despite much powdered cheeks and tinted eyes, the rz1710 is clearly traceable features of its predecessor. The notable differences are only a new operating system and the exterior has changed markedly. The rest of metamorphosis are insignificant, making the new budget-HP only fresh mentally. However, rz1710 can not be called a failure of the model, rather standard, of which the market is already in excess. As statistics show, the budget niche Pocket PC is gradually losing ground, and in light of this prospect is not so rosy rz1710, especially if you remember his predecessors. However, if and buyers were much less demanding. The absence in the PDA Bluetooth and a replaceable battery, as well as the scarcity of hardware stuffing force users to think seriously before you purchase. In fact, on the one hand, rz1710 draw in more affordable counterparts - RoverPC P1, Palmax z710, and even the same HP iPAQ 1930. On the other, obviously hindering more functional price competitors - most notably, HP iPAQ h1940. True, the latter is withdrawn from the market, and rz1710 just come onto the market. Therefore after some time, we should expect falling prices for this device. Then, quite possibly, the model will be in demand. The authors, translation: