Last year or two I think that no one watching this picture. Mobile phones tend to catch up in its perfection and an abundance of opportunities for PDAs. The latter, in turn, hasten to catch up on their technical characteristics with laptops. Laptops are the same - the price and performance - claims to be the conventional desktop computers. And no end to this race, and unfortunately never its participants are not destined to overtake each other, and whether we should ... Write this article I podtoknuli begin regular flickering in the English-speaking Internet articles and materials on the topic "the CPC as a complete alternative to a laptop." Unwittingly became interested in this problem and not out of idle curiosity, but only for practical reasons I decided not to trust the foreign authors and sort things out himself. I'm on duty often go on missions in various cities of our country and always my constant companion in these missions has been and remains a laptop. First it was in those days terribly expensive Rentium 166 of Mitec. Now it's the same Mitec, or Toshiba, but with a Celeron-processor 700 MHz, lightweight configuration (HDD-20GB, TFT 13 ', RAM 96 MB, CD) and cost less than $ 1000. It is clear that the main advantage, which gives a laptop - mobility, it is possible to work on it in the road. In my case - is to fatten and editing text documents (working with spreadsheets, creating presentations, etc.) using Microsoft Office. Suitable for a person traveling with the business intentions, handheld and whether he can really replace a laptop? I will say, looking ahead - my personal expectations in this regard is not entirely justified. But about everything is in order.
Buying a PDA (in my case it's Palm m505), you get yourself a great organizer: notebook, diary c car and small truck to boot any nice apps. Pocket PC you will never miss an important meeting on time and wake up in the morning. Also, due to office suite, similar software on the desktop (Word + Excel), you have the opportunity to fill his lyrics, making signs, supply them with drawings, etc. Models of hi-end perform the functions of the recorder and mp-3 player, but this below. First, in the case ...
Palm + keyboard + office = Laptop + Microsoft Office?
Is it easy to work on a PDA with a fold-out keyboard and a set of office software, as on a laptop? The answer to this question for me was almost obvious, so I bought a folding keyboard to my PDA Palm Portable Keyboard, installing a newer version of the word processor WordSmith 2.0 and went on another trip. However, because of fears, and then justified himself, and took a laptop.
The only "shaking" modes - this is our car or bus. As it turned out, a human being to work in such conditions it is impossible not to Palm'om or a laptop. The second test "stand" was the train. Here the laptop proved to be flawless. And the text stuff, and you can play your favorite game. But the Palm ... (Slightly shaking, constant attempts to focus the mind on the jerky picture on the small screen, and finally, annoying "jumping" from the Pocket PC keyboard connector attempts to commit suicide by hitting the floor. Just annoying having to put the keyboard only on a horizontal surface. I do not think discovered America when I say that is most convenient to check the typed text on a Pocket PC, as he brought to his eyes. In this case, it can be done. The device is connected to the keyboard, which lies on the suitcase on my lap. stoop useless .'s eyes get tired quickly. Yes, it is apparent defeat ...
The last test conducted by me on the plane, where the shaking is missing, showed that under these conditions are well behaved both a competitor. It has come to the surface another drawback handhelds, or rather their characteristic feature - a small display. With this has nothing to do. Is that possible hooliganism, has attached to the handheld, a huge magnifying glass on the example of prehistoric TV KVN ...:) Hey, where are you, the venerable founder of the family of Pocket PC - Newton ... It looks like our grandfather soon be born again, thanks to actively promote the direction of Bill Gates is now a Tablet PC or Tablet PC. Well, what I mean ...) As for the functional abilities of offices for the Palm can not say anything bad. WordSmith sufficiently powerful text editor that could provide me with the minimum capabilities required for working with text in a way, the benefit of any perpetual motion I need to draw and it was not;)
The PDA + GPRS = Internet without boundaries!
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) - now the most progressive and, mind you, inexpensive way to get wireless access to the World Wide Web. For those who can not quite know the advantages of GPRS are: