Berlin was taken, Siberia - ahead!
On the eve of celebrating the Day of Russia, the evening of 11 June, Hewlett-Packard has honored the winners - the foremost dealers - in the next stage of the Club Champions of HP ". The ceremonial meeting this time took place in the pompous restaurant "Grand Opera", receiving guests and entertaining Baron Munchausen with the charming Baroness aka Actors Theatre of "Satyricon" Gregory Siyatvinda and Angelina Varganova. Naturally, this event was not without company MakTsentr, which invariably involved in the initiatives of the manufacturer's most popular in Russia handheld computers. However, tell you more about what the "Champions Club HP" and his meeting ...
At one time in order to stimulate sales, PR-managers of the Moscow office HP decided to organize a capitalistic competition between resellers. The mechanism of the event was essentially borrowed from the Soviet ideology, changed only the titles and dates: the reporting period (Five) were the rounds, a program which had to meet or exceed over 4 months old. Labour blast working on a plan of organizers, rewarded financially. It is curious that it was not without ideological inspiration. Each stage of the program (they passed only four) was ideologically furnished. At this time the fifth round of the battle for customers, which participated MakTsentr, held under the slogan: "Arise, great country!" Best sellers, according to a plan of HP, will be three. Each of them will win at his level - a complex, medium or light on the amount of points. For every sold under the program iPAQ H38xx series to be allocated 2 points. For every iPAQ H39xx series or iPAQ H5400 - 4 points each. Take the prize in a light means "to win Battle of Kursk," or, to put it literally, a digital photo studio (camera and printer from HP), on average - a guerrilla war or a TFT-monitor HP (18 "), in the complex - the Great Patriotic or two trips to Prague . The fifth round of the marketing program to support and develop value-added resellers, "Champions Club HP" was held in nine product categories, each of which had three levels of difficulty. prize places were taken by 33 participants. MacCentre Company, as in the previous stage, again won first place at the sophisticated level in the category "Handheld PCs" and was awarded a trip for two in romantic Prague. Thus, the "Berlin took" all three companies, which indicates that as yet about the narrow range of merchants engaged in handheld computers in the Russian market. Battle of Kursk won the Moscow-based company Lightnet Complex, and the names of heroes of the guerrilla war, as expected, remained unknown:))) None of the companies participating in the initiative, did not take the required number of points.
Few of the awards ceremony. At this time in the best traditions of social events were entertainers, dressed in costumes of Peter the Great. As befitting manner, they invited the ladies and gentlemen of the prizes, and to train eager to get his due does not become a boring spectacle, in between dance teams waltzed to the sounds of ringing those times, which corresponded to the nomination. Of the awardees as usually required a few words, and the director MakTsentr Dmitry Havzhu turned into the hall, expressed his appreciation to HP and urged the audience "to participate actively in the program and develop the market of handheld computers, as competition stimulates growth, and passive zavoevyvanie first places slows development. In general, the testing of copper pipes MakTsentr seem too went for five. Let's hope that the appeal has been heard:) In the next round of the Club Champions HP ", which has already begun, the category PDAs will be a" deep forest "with a wild boar on the easy level, wolves - on average, and brown bears - the kings of the taiga animals - on the complex.More is coming ...:) authors, translation:
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