First, give up due jaded cliches ... World of the future will be mobile. It will be mobile in all respects, especially in the information. Had trouble with what we know about it instantly - much faster than we learn today, on broadcast channels or through the press. Information has long been a hot commodity, but these days it becomes a necessary condition for normal functioning. A huge number of people around the world to earn money outside the office. Work at home, work in a way, the work on the way from home to work ... Over time, this nightmare will become commonplace, and many of the usual Today things have changed beyond recognition. For example, money. They probably will not do - in the sense of cash. Will electronic money (which is complete and now - in the form of payment credit cards) will be even more e-money (for payments via the Internet map itself is not needed, need a bank account and its details), will be the virtual equivalent of money, having no physical counterpart (all wealth in the mobile phone - for crying out loud). So, the world of the future will be mobile, and it's nice ... Just as we have today? Else wants to live, and without delay, without looking enviously over the horizon. In principle, we already are mobile to impossibility. Wireless Voice is available to anyone with at least some money ... Not exactly - the farther from the Garden Ring, the smaller the wireless because of reducing the number of those who have money. In some villages in our northern and eastern regions of ordinary people and something you have not seen, not that mobile. But that's another topic ... Until recently, when a cell phone in Russia is still "ustakanivalsya, throwing fake white clothes expensive toys and clad in shabby overalls worker, our mobility is limited opportunity to talk on the phone directly on the run. On a serious work, but angry valuable suggestions or hurried negotiations over trifles, and speech was not. No, the "mobile Internet" was, is and will be. Can be directly from the phone (look into a gray screen in an attempt to disassemble - which is where translit indicated), we can by phone with a handheld computer, you can with the laptop. But - speed. 9.6 Kbps - is not available. It is only in the WAP-e jokes to read. Mobile Internet, as well as "mobile office" (an office in your pocket, palm, armpit, and so on) - an empty sound to ever since, until he is provided with high-speed, reliable and cheap wireless ... More recently, the largest cellular operators in Russia have introduced a service that we were looking forward to - supports GPRS. And since then our lives and in fact became mobile. That is - can become if we evaluate the possibility of GPRS, and operators will not be too lazy to develop this remarkable technology.
What's in a name?
After a magnificent entry into some technical information. GPRS - General Packet Radio Service - a system for packet data in a cellular network GSM. It increases the rate of exchange of information over wireless networks, does not overload the communication channels at the same time is very cheap channel for data transmission. Immediately the question - how much cheaper? Imagine, less any other available today, wireless communication channels. If the idea of signalers transfer of fixed telephone lines on time payment to become a reality for many of us, GPRS will be a real alternative to wired access to the global network - the difference in cost would be negligible ... How can this be? Is GPRS the user does not pay for connection time? Are cellular operators will be used for the introduction of special rates for internet users? For operators - pure devastation. But the fact of the matter is that for the transmission or reception of data via GPRS we do not have to pay the total connection time, but time spent on information-sharing and the development of the service - only traffic. Secret - the technology GPRS. This protocol uses a data-free channels, giving priority to voice communications.Moreover, data transmission is carried out in several packages (the number to seven, although it is used less) free channels. This process is as follows. To call the operator and running on the PDA, Smartphone, PDA or laptop browser or mail program, we send a request to send or receive information. The base station receives the request, generates an array of data pieces of information - packages, looking for free channels and transmits in parallel. If the data rate on one channel does not exceed 14 kbit / s (normal to date figure), then using the GPRS technology, the exchange rate is doubled, tripled and so on (up to seven times) - depending on the number of channels used. Simultaneously, the base station converts the data from the GSM format in formats that are used by TCP / IP to communicate on the Internet. Transfer rate (ie number of channels on which there is an exchange), the value is not constant. The larger the network load, the exchange rate is less, since both free transmission of voice data channels are also smaller. But in a more or less free time (at night or early morning), the exchange rate increases - due to the simultaneous use of more free channels ... One of the benefits to GPRS, which is difficult to overestimate, is not to overload the normal channels used for transmission of voice data (in other words - for phone calls), even with heavy traffic of wireless Internet connections. Phones, communicators and smartphones with full support for GPRS at the hardware level, to allow a telephone conversation and connect to the Internet simultaneously. In this case, no one feels uncomfortable - the data is transferred exclusively to the free channels. And if someone does not have enough air in place, "channel that is the transfer of data must be released immediately for voice communications. And the base station is immediately looking for another free channel. However, is able to do only the most perfect (and probably most expensive) class of communications equipment - the so-called class A terminals GPRS. Only he can simultaneously support voice communications and to exchange data. A more democratic type of terminal GPRS - Class B - "can" work in voice and terminal mode alternately. That is, when you connect to the Global Network of voice, especially telephone device functions are not available. To this class are the most massive models of phones with support for GPRS.
The third type - class C - it joins the device to laptops or handheld computers. They are made in the form of cellular communication modules supporting GPRS. Format of the modules - cards PC card or CompactFlash (in principle, possible device in a format any memory cards or simply connected to the ports on your computer). Such a module makes a PDA or laptop into a powerful tool for wireless communications. Most often uses a combination cell phone, into Class B, and a laptop. The link between your phone and PC is made via an infrared port or a data cable RS-232, last used more often, because in practice turns out to be more reliable - Infrared communication is subject to interference. Less frequently used tandem of cell phones and PDAs. The point, again in practice. CCP only in words is useful for viewing web-pages. The small screen forces the user to endlessly move the screen scroll bar, or up to a limit to scale down the page in the browser. A lack of high-capacity drives can not keep the PDA any significant amount of information ... But sounds appealing - the whole world in your pocket. " Is not it? Yet the most seductive look smart phones - a computerized cell phones with built-in email clients and viewers WAP-resources.In addition, they are wireless modems for connecting desktop, laptop or PDA to the Internet, they are able to use network resources on their own - at least to accept and send email that is very, very much.
Today and tomorrow
It is quite clear that we are at the beginning of a long road. That while the GPRS technology has more in words than in deeds. This is evidenced by a small number of customers who use charms GPRS least to some extent ... But the number is growing frightening pace! At times, dozens of times and every day ... This is not a statement, a hypothesis is only partially supported by the facts. What prevents the widespread dissemination of GPRS? First, it is not entirely clear prospects wonderful technology. Cellular operators are not rushing to invest heavily in the improvement of base stations, without having a clear idea about the possible demand for wireless data services. Part of the problem goes away with the scandal-time wage talks on wire lines. In the regions under a deal providers rushed to the limit to reduce the price of your Internet connection. Today, the cheapest Internet must be sought not in Moscow, but somewhere in Voronezh or in Vologda. Cellular operators, having rough calculations and concluded - wireless Internet access using GPRS can cost no more than wired - if I time payment for the use of fixed communication channels, of course. Moreover, if sufficiently widespread GPRS it is possible to reduce the price (it is better to get a ruble to a million users, a million to a handful of what some nouveau riche) ... Imagine, in some developed countries (eg Japan), wireless access is already cheaper than wired! Add to this the convenience of mobile access - possibility to check the mail in the car or while walking ... The second reason (go back to the aforesaid transfer) curbing the proliferation of GPRS someone may seem controversial. This is my personal speculation, but it seems to me that it is not particularly distorts the truth ... It's about the complexity of configuring GPRS. The technology is very comfortable - in their work. But in order to properly set up your phone and your computer will need to look at the website operator and become familiar with the "wow" statement ...
Not quite a direct parallel - with the introduction of new services "Bee Line" beeinfo ". This electronic directory of cell phone menu. That is in the handset's menu for its inclusion of the SIM-card memory overwrite the pre-filled back rooms of service centers. Information services - Weather forecast, exchange rate, other background information (availability of tickets at theaters, horoscope, addresses, organizations, and much, much more) - are provided in the form of messages SMS, who come to the phone user. But it does not have to remember or make a phone book list of numbers on which you can get an information service. These numbers are entered in the phone as a text, clearly marked and easy to read paragraphs - "Jokes", "Aphorisms," "Holidays" ... The same without cost is available to all subscribers of Bee Line. Only to select the service (by the way, most are not free) is necessary to open special reference booklet attached to each phone and dial the appropriate number. That's it. You know, it's a great marketing ploy - to bring their goods (in this case - the service) to the consumer, make it simple, understandable and easy to use. Is there time for housewives or the eyeballs busy working business person to play with these horoscopes (in the sense - with the settings dial, its storage in the phone address book)? And if this horoscope is just a button on-screen with a Russian inscription - and why not? Around the same thing should happen with the service GPRS. Automatic, or at least, extremely simplified set up your phone, followed by a paper comic book (like the Japanese, supplying sophisticated electronics guide "for babies"), and even better - a pop-up help screen.And on the box with the phone write: "This thing is able to connect to the Internet and receive - send e-mail without taking off your pants last." Success is practically guaranteed. Without a little fanfare, but true ... The third leading cause of - the technical plan. To effectively use today's GPRS rates of exchange via GSM is not enough. Hence the first task - increase in rates of exchange. The second objective - improving the technology of parallel transmission of data packets over the free channels, ie, increasing the number of channels simultaneously involved. And what other problems are real and doable. It's safe to say - will demand service, will do the rest. Technical re-equipment (as well as research in this area) requires considerable investment. In the meantime, as we have said, the prospects are covered by a haze of uncertainty ... Which in the eyes of the dissipated into mist.
Phones, phones, and I'm a little
We're talking about GPRS, how about something not readily available. Meanwhile, take advantage of this beauty can be today - just look at the sites of the Moscow operators or visit the nearest phone shop (how much their in the capital). True, we need an appropriate apparatus ... Also, in general, not a problem. Choosing a new phone, we draw attention to its list of service functions. Well, there's WAP, email, organizer ... A must watch for the presence of support for GPRS! Then everything else is simply attached. (What is GPRS without mail and browser?) Descriptions of current models, because of their multiplicity, is omitted. Better think about it - what would have wished. What will be in stores soon and what should be chosen. There are many vkusovschiny. Someone like machines unusual - with built-in QWERTY-keyboard or players MP3. Some prefer ultra-secure phones that although the ground, though on the wall - still work. And who will choose the device with a large screen - not to squint, as if Blinded chicken. I like the sound devices (and who does not like them?) And multifunctional. I do not see much point in using a handheld computer, if I had a multifunction device. But at the same time it must be small in size, like a cell phone, and with the ability to synchronize with a laptop - and, not only for updating the phone book ... Appears, say, a phone with a screen Panasonic GD95, with POP3 and SMTP mail client (in the Panasonic already has), infrared, and even better with a Bluetooth port, but still ... with chitalochkoy for e-books, I would not hesitate to get rid of his pocket machines and would have worn in the pocket only this machine. But it's me (who else but not a role model). Other users need from your phone other possibilities. For example, the built-in camera, color screen, large memory, the same player MP3 ... The abundance of new models of the listed functions - a merit of developing cellular standards, including GPRS. In fact, that the proc from the built-in digital camera when shot from it can not be sent via radio communication to their respondent or myself - to my computer? But the shipment through the usual connection is capable of ruining anyone (and frazzle your nerves the expectation of the end of the protracted transfer of the session). That is why we and looked for new vehicles more from a theoretical point of view than from the practical. Now we can not only watch, but ask the price - thanks to the introduction of GPRS. As for handheld computers in their classic form, then the future for hybrid devices - for communicators. Though small PDA screen, but it is at times more than the phone display.Though easy to use advanced cell phones, but you can download and run on a PDA computer programs a great deal. How to configure your phone to fit your needs? How to take advantage of its considerable computing power (and in every cell phone is living a very good computer), if needed programs in its permanent memory no? Not such a trifle. Remember how we (those of us who are old and very very unpretentious phones) enviously eyeing the owners of vehicles with built-in calendar and organizer, multifunctional ... Pocket PC - an optional thing, we begin to actively use them only accustomed to, "sitting down" on this entertaining Things (by the way, happens very quickly). A cell phone is always there. Without it, as without hands ... Hence - one more assumption. Should take the machine with great potential. Organizer - is a trifle. But the infrared port and built-in modem support GPRS, browser WAP (that's really not necessary) and mail client (which is - on the contrary) is very desirable. Today, wireless access to Internet seems to us self-indulgence, but tomorrow it could be that we will run into the store hoping to exchange the phone for something "GPRS-Noah '... Now you can look at the showcases of cellular stores. There are plenty to choose from, right?
Beyond the Horizon
In Russia, for all the latest stories Perepetui unique situation. We have nothing to upgrade, everything has to be rebuilt. We are not burdened with a cargo of outdated technology (not applicable for their complete). This gives hope that the latest advances in communications technology will have hardly any faster than the ocean. In principle, and is happening. We catch up with the West in terms of implementing high-speed communication protocols. So it's not far away and a new generation of devices - with the possibilities of multimedia data, view the displays of their phones movies and plays through high-quality headsets of good music. Say - a fantasy? So far - yes. But give the time ... Yesterday the cell phone was just a head and a very wealthy businessman. Today the cell phone is in the string bag ordinary man in the street - next to the radishes and the morning paper. Who will surprise this once prestigious thing? The widespread introduction of cellular networks it took us about five years. How long will it take for the widespread introduction of GPRS? And more ... Imagine what tears lament originator of fixed telephone lines per povremenku. Probably the same as they were crying postal service, shoot in the early nineties, its cash cow - the system of delivery to subscribers of periodicals. Interesting - happen again if this story? The authors, translation: