On June 7 press conference devoted to two mountaineering projects, technical support, which provided the Company Formation and MakTsentr our site. The first - a solo ascent of the Himalayan peak of Meru International Master of Sports in mountaineering Valery Babanov. Recall that Valery was equipped with a set of special equipment for communications with the mainland "and the media. Includes: Cassiopeia E-115 and a satellite phone Inmarsat. The second - an ambitious project "Russian way - the walls of the world." His manager from St. Petersburg, Alexander Odintsov. Project participants have set the goal to conquer the 10 most difficult mountain wall in the world. Five of them have already been taken by storm and entered into climbing directories. But here's the sixth refuses to surrender. It is a mountain Latok 3 in Pakistan. Its height is 6,950 meters and looks like it is, in the opinion of a beginner, innocuous. But last year, almost all the expedition members were seriously injured and had to stop lifting. June 8, they again depart to Pakistan once again to match themselves with whimsical wall. But this time we will be able to witness all the vicissitudes of this climb, thanks to set of communication, already proven in the Himalayas. True, the set of equipment slightly modified: instead of Cassiopeia E-115 mission will depart Palm 3xe. At the press conference were made by staff MakTsentr Anton Kuznetsov, who briefly summed up the Himalayan expedition, from a technical point of view and described the preparation of the expedition, "Russian way - the walls of the world."