September 28, at 12 am at the booth MakTsentr the ceremony of awarding winners of "Model Runs".
The most crucial moment. The absolute winner was ... |
The absolute winner "Begov, all responses which coincided with the final estimate of 18 professional experts, was Alexander Manykin - Chief Specialist, Department of Information Technology Bank TCB. He became the proud owner of a Pocket PC Palm m500. The remaining 3 contestants (in their assets lacked only one correct answer) were awarded the universal stylus pens, and gifts from the company MakTsentr.
Alexander Manykin: I can not believe - Palm m500 mine now! |
Lucky, so lucky! |
"I have already more than half are regular visitors and as an avid user PDA, I can say that this resource at any time you can find answers to your questions and always get competent professional advice" - that is has completed its response speech winner Alexander Manykin.
Who are the next lucky one? At stake - two universanye pen-stylus |
We hope that the goal of the action - to bring to your attention an objective assessment of 4 new products of the computer market, compare them and give you the opportunity to make a choice - is achieved.
Winner of the second universal pen-stylus |
T-shirts from - all the winners! |
Thus, the action is "Model Runs" successfully completed.MacCentre Company expresses sincere appreciation to the team of experts, to thank all participants of our contest - and they turned out 500 people, and once again congratulate the winners.
The authors, translation: