This autumn gave a start to the regular annual information technology exhibition Softool 2003. Pavilion № 69 All-Russia Exhibition Centre at 14 times the exposure completed more than 270 companies from Russia and abroad. The current exhibition, unfortunately, has maintained its "accounting" focus, which is observed over the past few years. Most participants offered mainly software to automate trading. But the general rule is pleasant exceptions ...:) You still have a few days until Saturday (October 4) to have time to visit the exhibition. Fortunately, access to the site of action can comfortably:) From the main entrance OCE constantly ply cute mini-train, embellished with symbols of the largest participants Softool 2003, driving up everyone directly to the exhibition hall. Although these are not the autumn warm weather with pleasure you can walk.
So, we're inside. Outwardly, everything is still in the best traditions Softula: the same - the same place. Rigor and reliability managers and representatives of the firms - the major visitors - from time to time "diluted" vivid characters who offer to proceed at a given stand.
As before, the dominant Softool'e yellow - the color of the national brand companies 1C, which, incidentally, this year's first appearance as an official sponsor of the event. Traditional giant balloons with company logo dangle as the square in front of the pavilion and inside the exhibition. The highlight of the booth design software giant became national mock attack aircraft during the Second World War, a life-size, which has spread its wings over the bench, symbolizing either the aggressive marketing policy, or simply attracting visitors. Exposure without a doubt be called the largest and most representative at the exhibition.
Of the largest foreign participants highlighted, as it should be, Microsoft. Near the main entrance to the pavilion the company has arranged an unusual attraction. Several artists during the exhibition will be working very hard and pencils over cartoons of all comers. Pictures will be made naturally on paper with firm symbolics. The bright-eyed caricaturist draw, I should say a lot of visitors.
In the depths of Pavilion Microsoft has built a whole town named after himself - Microsoft Business Solutions. As in every city it has its own streets, each of which demonstrates one of the activities of a monopolist. Traveling through this miniature high-tech capital, you can stumble upon interesting sights. It is curious that one of the stands in a solid wooden frame hangs a Kalashnikov, who represents the reliability and quality of products Microsoft.
As in previous years, the exhibition is rather poor at the exposition devoted to portable equipment. Developers so far very little attention paid to this class of devices. The first came across the stand of "Horizon", offering the same name software to develop geographic information systems. Software, to a greater extent focused on desktop PCs, offering a fairly rich. Particularly surprised by the function of constructing three-dimensional landscape maps on which you can look from a height of bird flight. " I am a representation of terrain reminded computer games from the category of aircraft simulators. Virtual camera smoothly hovers above the ground, change direction and altitude. Beautifully, in fact. Unfortunately, a pocket version of "Horizon" is devoid of interesting features. According to the developers, the power of modern PDAs are not yet able to provide fast rendering of complex surfaces and must be limited to conventional two-dimensional maps. To demonstrate the existing capabilities of the mobile version of the system on the bench iPAQ'e was presented Highly detailed map of the city, on which, according to a consultant, you can quickly pave the optimal route between two points and are generally pretty easy to navigate.
Another booth was a place where the CCP is owned by RELEX. However, this real estate development company, unfortunately, has no ready-made solutions based on handheld platforms, but only offers database development tools for systems at various levels. On the bench Asus'e was installed a little program for the rapid collection of data, allowing them to synchronize with the server. The company representatives explained that the CPC are not the main focus, and develop for them being only when necessary. The only place on the exhibition devoted exclusively to handheld computers, has become as usual stand "MakTsentr. Visitors here can see the huge pocket supercomputer, which demonstrates the capabilities of the operating system as well as various presentations. The windows shows a large number of models of PDAs, which include most "fresh" news. So, here you can "feel» high-end handheld iPAQ h5550, had just arrived in Russia Mitac Mio 558 - one of the potential competitors popular now, iPAQ h2210, model-based operating system Linux, as well as all the latest hits Palm, Sony and others " Gates "PDA market. With the second family of PDA supplemented in October one of the most extraordinary machines of the season - Sony Slie UX50. in a separate window can contemplate communicators based Pocket PC.
Very thoroughly presented and accessories for portable equipment latest series Pocket Nature. The consultants can get detailed information on their compatibility with different models of handheld devices.
Fans of "miniatures" are acquainted with the ultracompact USB-drive i-Tiny produced by Pretec. On the size of these babies a little more pyatirublevoy coins, but this does not affect the functionality and data storage. The most striking exhibit not only stand, but also, perhaps, the exhibition has become a miniature car SMZ with the established system PocketGPS. This gorgeous red convertible, represent the domestic navigation system based on PDA, leaves no one indifferent:) During the exhibition stand will be held presentation of new product opportunities. Everybody can make a trial race on the territory of VVC in a special PocketGPS-Mobile, and personally make sure as a handheld navigator.
Here, the "MakTsentr, a prototype of Russia's first car navigation system based on on-board computer Carman I. An adapted version of the program PocketGPS Pro allows you to conveniently operate with a card, carry GPS-tracking, has built a base of addresses and much more. In addition, the computer can work as a radio, TV, CD / DVD player is equipped with a series of built-in games, and many others. Generally, the device is very interesting and worthy of attention.
Information on all events taking place at the booth of "MakTsentr" can be found at the site HPCru, on Softool 2003. The exhibition will run until October 4, so hurry to see everything with my own eyes on stand D07!:) The authors, translation: