RoadInformer - a fighter with stoppers

Motorists are suffering from congestion of any metropolis anywhere in the world. But fighting with them differently. For example, in Laudon has recently needed daily to pay five pounds to get to the center of the city (where it works most of those who stand in traffic jams). Muscovites from the beginning of February there is another option - resulting traffic jams to go around.
RoadInformer - a fighter with stoppers
The head of the project SMILink Vladimir Volkov and iPaq
Feb. 6 at the Sheraton Palace Hotel "company" United Telecom (which owns the famous trademark Vessolink) submitted its draft "free road" part of a new large information system SMILink. Hardware and software solution "free road" drivers must deliver the latest information about traffic jams on Moscow's roads, enabling them to find ways to avoid traffic. At the moment, to receive this information, you can use the device RoadInformer. It is a small, flat plastic panel (black and seems to vary colors manufacturer is not going to), which is either attached to the inner side sun visor car, or just lying in the cabin and used as needed.
RoadInformer - a fighter with stoppers
RodInformer on the visor
On the panels are two schemes of Moscow streets. On one entire city to the Moscow Ring Road, on the second, more detailed routes within the Garden Ring. The top cover with the schemes is a matrix of red LEDs. If the road is difficult or slow down, the corresponding portion streets "flashes" red when on the street "standing" tube, it lit all the time. Each diode (for more detailed scheme) is responsible for about 500 meters of the roadway. Control device can be even a child (unless, of course, it be allowed behind the wheel). One button - on / off, the second - brightness control. The third switch device between the two modes, depending on which way you go - from the center or the center, clockwise or counterclockwise on the ring road. At the very scheme of direction of the tube is not reflected.
RoadInformer - a fighter with stoppers
Management is extremely simple - just three buttons
RoadInformer - still the only device that allows you to receive information about traffic jams on SMILink, but soon this situation will change. Already on February 6, at the presentation, representatives of the "United Telecom" showed a system that allows to obtain similar information on the PDA. Installed on the PDA scalable map of the city (three scales), and a communication port connects a small vessolinkovsky signal receiver. Naturally, the system on a PDA would be more functional than RoadInformer. For example, you can obtain information not only about the presence of congestion, but also on how long they are not absorbed, about the cause and the "category of" five-point scale. At the presentation it was possible to look at the version that works with the HP iPaq 3870.
RoadInformer - a fighter with stoppers
CCP also be able to tell you about traffic jams. Above - a jacket for the iPaq
Map on the PDA a bit faded, but otherwise, as far as can be seen in a couple of minutes, the system worked without problems.Moreover, for the iPaq will be offered special jackets, into which you can insert vessolinkovsky receiver, like, say, a normal Compact Flash card. A common variations of cables for connecting to the communication terminal already exist for 13 different models of PDAs, including, as we were told, and Palm OS and Pocket PC. Map for Pocket PC, according to Vladimir Volkov, commercial drektora SMILink, developed by Cybiko jointly with the Moscow Institute of Cartography. It would not be very detailed, individual houses on it will not show, but tell, where tube, and where not able to.
RoadInformer - a fighter with stoppers
To work is enough to connect to a PDA such a device
MakTsentr also participated in the drafting. The company's specialists helped develop the cables and provide technical documentation necessary to connect the PDA and the receiver Vessolink. On sale system based on the CPC should appear after about two months. The future plans of the company - to create a separate unit for mounting on the dashboard. He will have a big color screen, high-quality scalable map, the possibility of receiving a variety of related information. Ships same information to mobile wireless receivers for SMILink not a problem. Recall that the "United Telecom owns the largest Moscow (plus regional) paging network Vessolink. Equipment of the network was used to broadcast data to user devices, it was necessary only to replace the dot distribution on mass broadcasting. "United Telecom argues that the network provides coverage over the entire territory of Moscow. However, the device for receiving information is important, but not the main component of the project. At the presentation of the company president, Mr. Bader, the emphasis is on the unique quality of the system for collecting information about traffic jams. If SMILink data collection Company now really like about it was told the company, the "free road" will be the most "aware" monitoring system for traffic jams. The main flow of information comes from the city system "Start". The system was launched in 2000 by order of the Moscow government to optimize the traffic lights at major intersections. In the city center (within the Garden Ring) currently installed about 250 cameras, which gets information from the processing center, is analyzed with special computer programs and serves as the basis for centralized management of traffic lights. Naturally, in the field of view camera is located and cars stuck in traffic, which allows professionals to create a think tank SMILink initial picture of the state on the road. These are then cross-checked several times. Information is used Rescue Services, the company "Angel" correspondents "Autoradio".
RoadInformer - a fighter with stoppers
Quick Card Payment
Before entering the market, the system three months was in the testing stage. According to the company, the awareness of drivers was unprecedented. Recall now the network Vessolink salons and many dealers can buy only RoadInformer. The model, which is attached to the visor is $ 209, but even $ 105 will have to pay for its installation. A cheaper option - a separate device that is powered from the cigarette lighter. It can be purchased for $ 199. At the entrance to the city will be deployed a few items RoadInformer'ov rental for guests. Monthly service fee is $ 18 per month (when connecting directly to a longer period - discount). You can make money in retail Vessolink, through dealers, using the cards pre-paid (as the "Bee Plus"), through the Internet site SMILink. $ 10 user automatically receives the account immediately after purchase RoadInformer.In this case, the buyer receives and the individual card, which will continue to use all services of the project SMILink. A German mathematician, calculated that if at least 20% of drivers in the city will know that there is something there, something difficult to move and find ways to avoid traffic, traffic jams in this city generally will not. While factory in Zelenograd, where do RoadInformer, focused on vupusk about 1000 units per month, but as potential buyers, "United Telecom consider all 3,5-4 million Moscow drivers.


SMILink - universal information project, which currently consists of four system services. The first of these - "The Exchange Wizard." For special devices Vessolink ("United Telecom" calls them handheld computers) have to constantly updated information about changes in the exchange, quotes, rates and so on. Small screen machines capable of displaying, in addition to text, tables, graphs and charts.
RoadInformer - a fighter with stoppers
At such a device receives financial information
The second project - "Free way" (see above), the third - not yet commercially launched the e-newspaper. " With the help of PDA users will be able to receive on their devices and the latest information on events in Russia and the world (obviously, the user will be able to choose their own interest to its category and news topics). Finally, the latest project - a "single information number", which allows to combine e-mail addresses, phone numbers under a single number that allows you to send and receive any kind of personal messages (e-mail, ICQ, SMS, fax) from any point on the globe. Use the services of the regional call-center company, to receive a variety of inquiries. The authors, translation: