Enacted imagination paints a fascinating picture of the ... morning. Strong cup of coffee. Over an ashtray quietly dying cigarette smoke. On the kitchen table imposingly stretches well-worn notebook. Half-dressed the user in an intimate indoor clothing slowly bale finger on the keys. Is the usual production meeting. Cool. Slippers fastened - and you're on duty. The poet's dream ... But why dream? It has long been a reality. Albeit not for everyone (for everyone and it does not, somebody in any case have to work with your hands), but for many people. Problem-not even in the presence or absence of a portable computer or the intricacies of labor organization. The problem is lack of development of real-time access to the resources of the Global Network in conjunction with the user to the low-speed wireline communications channels. That's when the number of mobile connections to the Internet even remotely compare with the number of subscribers of wireless telephone, a different matter. Then the newspapers will be able to safely reduce the number of the already empty office, and various agencies - to dismiss the crowd sideltsev office from which the sense that from the fiery appeal of Soviet times "keep money in a savings bank." And there, look, fit and other enterprises. Even learn to read without leaving home. Not to mention the shopping, medical advice or a hike in the library. Doubt on the account of the social consequences of such a prospect aside - because of their insolvency. Internet brings together more than divides. Less than we see each other, but let us talk more (albeit "through mutual correspondence"). But let's ask ourselves - when. When a laptop computer equipped with wireless Internet access will become the accepted norm? When the word "phone" and "communicator" will be synonymous? Finally, when the mobile computing will be as screwed tool works, which today is a pen and paper notebook? Clear answer to these questions are no and can not be. Each new model of mobile device, smartphone or handheld computer brings the era of wireless communications. And each one demonstrates - how to be a good communicator (smartphone or PDA) and how it will be.
Appearance in techno style
In March 2002, a little known (more accurately - quite unknown), the company BSmart Solutions introduced the world's new mobile device. Over the long name is not surprising - the device is named BSmart Communicator. And once the question - is it? I mean - is it "in the metal, as a commercial product, or still exists exclusively in the form of a beautiful picture, suggestive advertising promises, and summaries of technical characteristics? Answer, as I have wandered through the websites of companies that sell cellular phones (and our, and the U.S.) could be obtained. Maybe someone has a vengeance enjoys BSmart (the only exhibition samples?), But perhaps none ... Another weak concept of a tiny company? Yes, probably. But you look at the unit itself! This is even better than candy from Sendo (which, incidentally, in the hands too, no one had). Much better - some compatibility here and does not smell (incidentally, the easiest incompatibility problem is solved by means of a pencil - drawn on paper, computer compatible with everything). Plus totally unimaginable "gadgets" such as built-in satellite navigator GPS. Using the few photographs of the communicator and information with corporate site (by the way, BSmart Communicator is the only product of the same company, and it's sad, because only confirms the idea of microscopic size of the enterprise and negates the chance to see the device alive), look at the new communicator. In this world nothing is possible. After reading one web of a hybrid cell phone and satellite navigator GPS, I think to about such a thing. And then was able to thoroughly examine its real incarnation, though under a different name - Benefon.By and large the greatest value have fresh ideas, rather than specific solutions ... Futuristic BSmart shape can be described as - housing device resembles two iron formed by satellites. The result is an original and nebesspornaya with ergonomic design. If you take the device in hand, the middle and the thumb will fall to the body cavity. The unit is fixed by fingers of the hand, but the fingers will not feel much comfort. Besides protruding "wings" of the lower part of the case do not bear any functional load, but unnecessary obstruction zasovyvaniyu device in his pocket ... Why is the goat accordion? It is not clear.
But beautiful. Yes, indeed, beautiful. Infimum is sharpened body, as if ... the sole of the same iron. "Futurum durum" in its purest form. Next - smooth hull lines communicator conceal its apparent flaw. But in practice, he'll throw himself into his eyes. Namely - the device's screen is too small for such a bulky form factor. Look how great the screen frame. On each side of the communicator is the mass of unencumbered space. Too complicated (I would say - is abundant) electronic filling? Then we must enlarge the screen. On a wide (mordatom?) Package screen looks somehow slepenkim. Plus powerful overhanging "eyebrows" - the top and bottom of the screen. It seems that BSmart Solution no decent designer. Or not by money, or just stingy. Four buttons on the front panel two-tone body (plastic, of course), two of which are navigating, and the two perform more functions and telephone answering the call (click OK) and cancel (button), can be easy to use, because their area is large enough and fringe buttons protects them from accidental or uncomfortable, because the shape of their still very unusual. In the lower right corner of the case, at the junction of two panels located the microphone. Speaker mounted on top of the front panel, and exactly in the middle. On more or less settled standards of cellular communicators - normal. The right of the elegant lattice dynamics we can consider the three LEDs. Said about them until there is nothing, except that they are colorful. And again, by association with other communicators operates (presumably) of power indicator, an incoming call, email and SMS messages, alarm (something in this list may be absent or, conversely, to attend). Finally, the antenna. In BSmart it carries a double burden - as the actual phone and antennas as antenna Satellite Navigation GPS. Judging of all, the antenna fixed (not retractable). Because of their small size and smooth contours of a hindrance, it will not. That's all you can say about the exterior of the device and of its management bodies. Side face of the body in the photos are not visible ... Yes, you can still consider the lower surface - the one on which the communication slot. On the left side of "boom" housing noticeably little holes (the power connector?), On the right - high synchronization connector. Accordingly, the "cradle" BSmart is downright cosmic shape.
Dry tsifir
About the peculiarities of the hardware implementation BSmart can only guess, but a summary of the characteristics of something that still explains. The first - the communicator has a range of EGSM900/GSM1800. It seems to be working in our networks (at least in the range GSM1800) apparatus must. Declared full support for GPRS, Short Message Service SMS and fax. Oh, and to bring a list of telephone merits until a crescendo, it is worth mentioning that the manufacturer promises communicator will nominally equipped wireless headset Bluetooth. At the junction of the characteristics of telephone and computer parts are data on the power supply device. Standard lithium-polymer batteries BSmart `a capacity of 1680 mAh should last for 4.5 hours Standby Computer-telephone-pager and 250 hours of operation in standby mode. Now the main thing - the computer component of the device.For all the characteristics of a standard Pocket PC, running an operating system MS Windows CE 3.0 (did not Phone Edition). Judge for yourself - processor Intel StrongARM 206 MHz, 64 MB RAM, 32 MB permanent. Active 3.5-inch color (16 bit) TFT matrix with a touch layer. But the type of lighting a single word (it is quite possible that it is not reflective, and light on the screen does not parse). The resolution - 240x320 pixels. Set of familiar and it's wonderful. Future owner will not have to hide the icon with the search software. On this communicator will all run under Windows CE 3.0 (in the version for an ARM, of course). We did not say anything about expansion slots. And they have BSmart one of the main highlights. So, along with USB ports and IrDA, designed to synchronize with desktops, the machine is equipped with a slot for CompactFlash Type I memory cards and PC card Type I for the same. You can make a "phi" to the developers - they say that slots are suitable only for memory cards and nothing else (though there are network cards CF Type I, but are expensive and scarce - due to their lack of demand). But this is a communicator, which has everything you need. And even more than you need - if we pay attention to the built-in satellite navigation GPS. About the latter can only say that he knows everything that needs to be able satellite navigator. In particular - is capable of receiving signals from 12 satellites at once. For domestic navigation is a long-established standard.
The new device, new services
The collection of excellent performance and high equipment communicator BSmart Communicator gives it a completely new quality. That the forces of this curious device? Let's try to summarize the overall balance. The first - voice communications. Good phone in an unusual konkstruktive. Big, heavy (200 grams), but flat and fits in the waist pouch. Wireless headset and the phone sounds capabilities (like all smartphones based on the Pocket PC - voice recorder and voice dialing) allow you to use BSmart `om, without removing it from its case. The second - the communicator. The possibility to check the mailbox and walk over the Internet anytime, anywhere without spending crazy money at the same time (GPRS!) can not be overestimated. We shall not enumerate all applications of the communicator, but imagine only one, a very real situation. Otschelkav complete (or incomplete) card flash memory digital camera, we swap it into the device, write a letter with a small explanatory note and send the pictures ... well at least on my home computer (in a newspaper, a news agency in the prepress bureau - who that apply). And no confusing interface cables, no fuss with a bunch of electronic devices, no, it is very important, overpaid. The third - a PDA. Standard set of programs allows you to work with the Communicator, as with any Pocket PC. For example, to write articles about communicators ... A custom set of programs allows the communicator to play. Cut in a chess game, smashing cartoon monster drive on ponaroshechnyh cars. That is run on the PDA games, which in the world of the CCP has no equal. Fourth - the satellite navigation. Global positioning system and computing resources of the computer class Pocket PC turns the device into a universal tool for orienteering. Loads into memory machines map of the city and - go ahead. And show and tell, and in broad daylight will not let go astray. Then information about the city or countryside walks can be written on a personal computer and work with it as you'd like ... the fifth - all together ... imagine the whole spectrum of BSmart to the eye is no easy task. Little bit helps corporate website. With the help of GPS and phone functions of the communicator owner machine can one-click transfer to an ambulance or police request for help with their coordinates.Or "automatic" call to the police station and yell pre-recorded SOS (with explanations of who you are and how you look). At this my imagination gives a cock, and I can not think of anything original, than - and even a new device, you can crack nuts. " It's time to call it a day ... So will there be BSmart Communicator in the light or will remain only a bright picture? I would like to ... But even more want to see our Russian stores about the same thing under the brand name, say, Hewlett-Packard. When the functionality of an obscure concept of quality of the famous brand. It would be nice, huh? The authors, translation: