Communicators today - more than an idle pastime for the elite. Almost irreplaceable assistant. For many people and does work tools in their daily lives. Necmotrya the still high prices, these devices have already reached the masses, so that gradually becomes a par with ordinary mobile handsets. True, compared to the last, not without zamorochek. One of the most obvious of sights such devaysov always have been and are likely to be respectable size. Not far behind them and palpable weighty. It is understandable. Still, what steps would not took it for our land fearsome uncle-progress, but the physical dimensions of the weight reduction will certainly entail a fall in the level of ergonomics. That is why there is still no truly mobile communicator based on the OC Pocket PC. Situation hinders itself Microsoft, which keeps cvoyu conservative platform in the space provided to her bed. Needless to say, the iron discipline operates smoothly. Producers with the release of each device is not particularly ctremyatsya depart from the general line. And in the case of the new i700 from Samsung. This long awaited device and almost breathless, listened to everyone a little bit like the truth to your hearing. In practice it has turned out quite a common ustroytsvo, though not without highlights. Well, maybe it's for the best. Let's get acquainted with our guest better.
Will not conceal it, i700 far away from their brethren in parts of the size and weight, making use of novelty is not too convenient. Particularly low level of ergonomics makes itself felt when using the device in the phone mode. However, the PDA-form all quite standard - a large touch screen, a minimum of controls, etc. On the i700 phone functions very clearly and not in the best light like an external antenna. Moreover, it interferes with work and storage there are certain inconveniences. Strange that Samsung decided to take a rash step, because even now, even in the domestic market, even among the analogs have a model with built-in antenna. Of course, the argument in favor of some degree may serve as a better quality of signal reception. But today, most phones lack the external antenna and feel quite confident, even in our networks. Thus, we can state the first promo for the design of the Samsung.
The second is not too pleasant moment in terms of the exterior - a set of controls. Grieve the scroll wheel. It is replaced with the volume keys. Something similar has repeatedly met with the CPC. However, there was no such case where such a decision even closely resemble the convenience this wheel. No it, and in i700.
But pleased with the expansion slot and a headphone output. Both openings securely closed, preventing pollution. Finally, the left end in addition to all of the above contains the activation key and voice recorder - pretty standard for a PDA solution. On the right are navigation buttons in the phone mode and adjust the backlight. If the first of these claims is difficult to produce, then the second has a significant drawback. So, initially it will activate / deactivate the screen backlight and includes a short press on / off the device itself holding for several seconds. Naturally, the second act is far more relevant and is used much more frequently, and therefore the solution Samsung can hardly be considered successful. However, this flaw is easily corrected with the appropriate tools, of which there are plenty.
Concluding the topic of controls, consider the lower part of the front panel. There is almost standard for any PDA Pocket PC platform track: joystick navigation and hardware accelerator key applications. Partial dissimilarity lies in the abundance of buttons. However, many are known to be not a little, but because the extra keys, which was originally attached to the browser and mail client will be very handy. The remaining buttons are fairly easy to work, though not ideal. Too close to each other, they are clearly not please hardcore gamers, but it will be acceptable to those childish pranks are not particularly interested.
But the joystick turned out good - big, clear and smooth, The words, many will like. In general, nizhnelitsevaya track went well, although the ideal, of course, far away, much closer to the solid middle level. Of passive elements catches the eye in camera i700. Ordinary technically, it is technological in essence, because it allows the lens to rotate 270 degrees. This makes it possible to spy and shoot than love so much do the owners of handheld Sony c similar figures. Indeed, this constructive refinement i700 has come in handy at work. Especially, it will be useful in the light of phone essentially new items from Samsung. So, we can with minimum effort to capture the interlocutor for inclusion in the contacts, and he did not even notice. Needless to say, my dear ability is quite a standard camera. VGA-heart can not shoot more footage resolution of 640 x 480 pixels.And the picture quality is roughly as follows:
Most analog integrated camera i700 have an equally reasonable performance. The most that can expect to master this camera - an electronic photo album, the optimum - MMS and pictures to contacts in the phonebook. To print such images are not suitable.
As for the innards, the i700 is equipped with Standard processor Intel PXA255 with 400 MHz, 64 MB of RAM and the same amount of ROM, one expansion slot standard SD / MMC, good old infrared port, a single person who shows all the wireless features this device. Built machine based on Windows Mobile 2003 Phone Edition. However, the available hardware have some nice nuances. Firstly, the total ROM provides a user area the size of 6 MB - a little bit, of course, but for the most important, such as contacts, accounts and other "lichku" enough. Very helpful and came with an SD expansion slot supports SDIO - a standard that provides the ability to work with peripherals on the cards, for example, wireless communication modules, and, say, Bluetooth novelty from Samsung obviously would not hurt. Last but perhaps most significant point regarding the i700 is the power system. The fact is that even with the device is delivered not one, as usual, but two batteries. Moreover, different - in size and capacity. Great find Samsung! If you do not plan long walks or on the performance of this test, it will be possible to do a compact power cell 1100 mAh - it is much lighter and smaller than the elder brother. A trip with a need to take a copy of a 2000 mAh. In this case, you will increase the life of communicative assistant almost doubled. Finally, in total isolation from the feed outlet, it will be possible to take two batteries at once, thus reaching a very respectable battery life for your device. Our tests showed more than eight hours of continuous operation with a variety of applications, including conversations and shoot camera. Needless to say, an excellent result. If to this we add the riches of an optional battery that you can buy and install yourself, thanks to shift the design, the i700 and did step over the bar at ten o'clock, and this is sufficient for a small hike.
One of the main differences between "smart" phones from their ordinary counterparts - is the screen. With a large touch screen to enter information into the device - a pleasure.But compared with the handheld there is nothing extraordinary, handhelds and themselves to this much, and in the case of the i700 majority of them evade kommunikatornuyu novelty. Even today, some PDAs have a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels, equipped with an impressive diagonal on local standards and have an enviable brightness. i700 under these conditions looks frankly pale. Resolution and size of its display is standard for PDA previous years: 320 x 240 pixels and 3.5 "respectively. A brightness level is average, which hinders readability in bright conditions, for example, on a clear summer day. Thus, i700 looks quite moderate even at the background of today, and it is difficult to imagine how this will turn conservative for the device tomorrow.
Since I started talking about the comparison with analogues, did the rest. Are there any competitors of Samsung i700? Of course. And even in the Russian market? Here are also available. Most similar to our "rabbit" i-Mate Pocket PC. Slightly more expensive, this device is equipped with twice the RAM and a little quicker and smarter, judging by the results of synthetic benchmarks. In addition, the remarkable in-body antenna. Otherwise, he loses the i700. Thus, integrated VGA-camera in i-Mate has a fixed structure, and comes bundled with only one battery. As can be seen, each of the machines has its pluses and minuses, and therefore decide which one is best - the very thing the buyer, because objectively, they are roughly equal.
In conclusion, dating from i700 briefly dwell on the minutiae of the complete model and the software part. Especially in this context is remarkable cradle. Really compact, fairly stylish and quite comfortable, it is interesting for two lights located on the front.
The first of these is responsible for charging the device and the second - for the filling of additional battery power. The red color lets you know about the process, and green - on the end. Another nice little thing i700 is telescopic stylus. Very easy to use and quality, it has one drawback. If necessary to make soft-rezet account each time to untwist it, which will agree, not too comfortable in the light of glyuchnosti OSes Microsoft. Not too happy and a way to extract it - down, ie not from the top end, as usual, but from the bottom, as, for example, have the same ASUS MyPal A730.
The last notable, from our point of view, accessory i700 headphones are complete. Standard medium in quality, they look very stylish.
The software part is not particularly i700 feast. Of course, besides the standard set of platforms there are a number of predefined softinok, but their range is small. There is no program for data backup, no utilities adjust the frequency of the processor, there is no application for editing images imprinted, etc. In general, the existing set of proprietary software leaves much to be desired. However, it is notable for a number of exceptions. Particularly interesting is very functional, and ergonomic utility to work with the camera.
Will also be useful for softinkoy recognize the voice commands - nice and quite fancy.
Otherwise, nothing worthwhile is not found, which, incidentally, can be easily corrected by a third-party software, so that particularly discouraged about the avarice of Samsung is not necessary. We summarize. Samsung i700 can not rightfully be called a novelty. Under a bright wrapper we find not too relevant device. Stripped of wireless module, is not very mobile and very expensive ($ 700-750), this device will have to deal with competitors for their customers. However, at present those in the domestic market is very small. Yes, and gunpowder for i700 enough. The model is notable detail: the convenient and mobile cradle, a great stylus, with two batteries included and integrated camera. Good looks seamlessly completes the whole a very good portrait. The truth is hardly a new product worthy of large-scale exhibitions. More suitable for personal exposure in a small room among many of their kind. The authors, translation: