Not so long ago the company Ectaco proudly announced the release of "the world's first pocket electronic translator that understands human speech." Of course, we could not pass the first available for test sample and not to talk to Partner V6 with no keyboard, just like human beings. The reality is, as usual, was much more modest expectations (and promises). Declared in advertising and user's manual recognition feature set of Russian phrases from a tourist phrasebook was only a demonstration of intent, but not their successful realization. According to our experiments involving dozens of people with very different voices, Partner properly understood "by ear" about one out of 10-15 sentences of two to three times more frequently in the diagnosis wrong, and the rest is just chronically does not know and asked to repeat it (the there is at least hold a conversation). The situation was clarified Dmitry Murzintsev, director of marketing Ectaco-Russia. It turned out that Russian speech recognition technology developed so far only in the rough, and this feature is included in the Partner V6, only to show the consumer the potential (and assurances of advertising and board - a simple mistake compilers). According to Dmitry, pocket translator, who can really understand the Russian phrases, to be released in about a year. In fairness it should be noted that in addition to this major disappointments in the rest of the new Partner worked well so far. Now in order. Let's start with the exterior. Gold-plated plastic housing Partner V6 caused persistent association with a case for glasses. For pyatisotdollarovogo device is a rather dubious merit (except that thieves do not Pozar). Small screen (touch screen, monochrome, 9x5 cm, 240x128) initially appeared in some very faint. However, in almost any lighting conditions are more or less readable, and eventually to a deficit of contrast once you get used to. Perot made in the same style as the body: it looks cheap, gets a significant effort, but functional raises no objections.
Use the touch screen is quite convenient to print on a virtual keyboard after some practice turns quickly and almost without error (the handwriting recognition or "graffiti" is not). With the touch screen is one more disadvantage: if the device is open at 120 degrees and put on the table, then touch the pen to the screen often upsets "Partner". Non-virtual keyboard causes some confusion because a separate button, for example, send a fax (see below) is provided, but to introduce a point - you have to use the "Shift".
The device is powered by two AA batteries AAA («Partner" worked about 10 hours and left them in working condition), the power adapter from the network is not included. "Ectaco" explains the complexities of certification of electrical equipment in Russia, although this artless a thing as devyativoltovy power supply, it can be ordered and on some domestic factories. Partner V6 functionally can be divided into a dictionary (or rather several of them: apart from the main there are also sensible American Heritage Dictionary, a set of thematic, travel phrasebook), means learning English, organizer, communicator and entertainment resource kit.
The main thing - it is, of course, the Anglo / Russian-English dictionary. Its merits, perhaps redeem flaws ergonomics. Million entries - is really very much if publishing on paper - will be at least a dozen plump volumes. Use an electronic dictionary handy for my feelings, compared with a paper analog spend two to three times faster.For each of several values found variants may require translation, to clarify shades of meaning; look transcription; asked to pronounce the word (according to the "Ectaco" realized speech synthesis technology allows voice not only that inherent in the dictionary, but generally any British a word or phrase). Speaker on the display lid is not very good (my cat, for example, hearing "terminatorsky" voice of the announcer for the first time, a long time refused to get out from under the sofa), but has a reserve volume (for a smooth adjustment provides a convenient scroll wheel on the side), but no headphone jack, so to save others from pleasure to get acquainted with your phonetic researches there is no possibility. Advertisement Partner V6 have provided much useful for those who are learning English. The most interesting thing here, perhaps, the focus correction system: you choose from the list of words, say it and get an assessment on a scale. I must say that I and a few volunteers with this feature as something went wrong: the program we knew from the fifth to tenth (maybe it should not be attributed to the shortcomings of "Partner" and the virtues of teaching English at the expanse of our country, although we tried as best they could, repeat aspiration, speaker utters a phrase). Organiser primitive (phone-notes-schedule calendar), but the communication part is entertaining. In "Partner" embedded modem, so that by connecting to a phone line, you can send faxes and send / receive e-mails. Mail, of course, stripped-down, attachment not get the message size is also limited (but reasonable framework for the incoming mail - up to 32 Kbytes), but supported and CP1251, and KOI-8, and general problems with the encoding is not found. There are, however, and his own "but". First, to connect to a phone line (and to synchronize with SC5) to buy «Communication Pack» cost $ 80, that two "lace" with a special connector is represented by some self-seeking. Second, the Dial is silent. It's uncomfortable - can not understand that at the moment is with the modem. Busy signal is often not detected, in addition, for some reason does not always resets the timeout, so a few times "Partner" he assured me in a few minutes, "dialing" is still going on, whereas in the parallel phone auditioned for the dial tone. Third, when attempting to connect to the POP3-and SMTP-server first every time I got an encouraging sign «internal error at-00000000 press any key to reboot». From communicating with Dmitry Murzintsevym revealed that the program settings to enter the real domain name of your mail server, not the Elias which is usually stated in provider 'configuration instructions (for example, the server real name cgate.aha. ru - to find the ends supported by a team ping [host]), but somehow in the manual about it does not say a word.
In organayzernoy part it is also impossible not to note the recorder - a very decent quality recording and convenient control buttons, but alas ... there is no perfection in the world - only 12 minutes. Describe all the interesting features of "Partner" in this note does not work, so that a couple of strokes in the end. In the depths of the menu revealed a long list of English names, and you can hear how they are pronounced correctly. Another curious detail - the solver of crossword puzzles, the length of words and letters are already known, he offers a list of possible options. What to say in conclusion? Honestly, leave the toy does not like. Powerful and easy to use a dictionary that is always at hand - this is very nice. And the flaws - who has not? I would probably have kept a typewriter ... evaluate the "Ectaco" their offspring about twice as less. So, let's slash. 1. What is quite funny: for example, when asked to translate the phrase "Good evening", in response often heard «May I have your name?».Apparently, the translator believes that the time for no reason to spend extra ceremony. 2. Not even frustration, but rather deceived hopes for a miracle. Advanced speech recognition technology is not yet in the teeth of even relatively simple and well-developed languages, like English, not to mention the "great and mighty", but still impose this task on a handheld device with very limited resources. 3. For one girl attempt to remove the pen almost result in the loss of long manicured nails. 4. The absence of the adapter is critical when using the communication functions, a battery not last long there. 5. To achieve synchronization with a PC I have not succeeded, not helped even the latest version of the software, kindly send Murzintsevym. I do not know what it's written off, strangely I use my computer cord defect or software glitches. According to the documentation, records organizer "Partner" can be synchronized with Outlook (for e-mail folders it does not apply). 6. Several times this error message appeared when working with other functions, most often in the course of trying "to understand human speech." Original Articles can be found at Kompyuferra. Sources, Materials: