The number of mobile devices with integrated GPS-receivers is growing by leaps and bounds. Until recently in the Russian market was attended only one unit, combining function and a handheld computer and phone, and pager. It - oh well familiar to us HP iPAQ hw6515. This model has become one of the most controversial innovations of the last year. In an effort to place a convenient QWERTY-keyboard and do not leave at the same time beyond the prescribed size, the designers were forced to cut the aspect ratio and reduce the resolution to become a byword "240x240". The consequences of this decision, we are well aware. However, the idea was still taken up by enterprising producers, so this year in the ranks of GPS-communicators expected large reinforcements. However, at this point in Russia came only two such devices - E-Ten G500 and Mio A700. Both the communicator can hardly be called hot novelties. G500 sold us more than a month, we recently published on HPCru review of this device. Mio A700 went on sale six months ago, but our fellow citizens were able to get it just the other day. And instead of having to write a review of a single device, we decided to bring on a "battlefield" once all GPS-triple. So it turns out that the main character of this material automatically becomes the newest device - Mio A700, which we have not talked in a separate review on HPCru. And we will compare it with the recent E-Ten G500 old man and the HP iPAQ hw6515. Anticipating your objection, agreed that, of course, the better comparison would fit iPAQ hw6915, which is a remake of the hw6515 model based on operating system Windows Mobile 5.0 with a slightly more powerful processor at 416 MHz and an additional wireless module, Wi-Fi. But since this device has not yet appeared in a sale, and the truth, not much different from his cousin (of a similar design, GPS-chip, the same square screen, etc.), we have left in the competitions of his predecessor.
Left to right: Mio A700, E-Ten G500 and HP iPAQ hw6515 |
Before proceeding to the review, be clear. Communicator Mio initially available in two versions - A700 and A701. They are absolutely identical in price and in part specifications. Differences are observed only in the design. Modification of the A701 has no ear on the top and differs from the A700 design a keyboard unit. With regard to geography ends, overall weight and dimensions and characteristics of the rest, there is no difference. In Russia, only the A700 is delivered, and that today he is our guest, along with the E-Ten G500 and the iPAQ hw6515. Well, now represent the parties present a comparative review.
Recall that to construct a comparison table you can use the "Compare devices" in the "Catalogue of the CPC on HPCru.
As befits a device with integrated GPS-module, Mio A700 comes with a full range of automotive accessories. In general, a set of rich, but to understand and approve of the lack of cradle, we strongly reject. But let us not once again lead a long list of arguments "in favor", but simply Oquinn view the contents of the box.
So what we have: - device itself
- Mains Charger
- charger from the cigarette lighter socket
- sync cable
- Wired Headset
- spare stylus
- Car holder with suction cup
- leatherette pouch with clip for wearing on a belt
- CD with software
- User guide
Completion is absolutely similar to that which we see in the E-Ten G500. Except that the latter does not spare stylus and delivered another set of navigation software, but we'll discuss this below.
With regard to the contents of the box with the iPAQ hw6515, then there is a cradle, but there is no spare stylus and no car mount with charger from the onboard network.
Y Mio A700 can be noted headset and carrying case. The latter is made of synthetic leather, but despite this, it is very durable. Device lies in its dense and covers a small cap on the magnet. The clip that attaches to a belt, rather Tuga and holds stronger than the plastic latch for the cover hw6515. And on the inside back wall of the cover is a pocket for memory cards. Trifle, but accepted.
The headset is made under a 2.5 mm jack and has a volume control wheel. Otherwise, she is, that neither is common.
Car holders are equally good as a E-Ten G500, and a Mio A700. Their design is such that all the necessary elements of the device remain open. In particular garniturnoy connector, stylus pen case, a slot for flash cards, interface connector, external speaker and a connector for an external antenna. With the mount on a car windshield special problems arise with any order or the other, but the car cradle Mio still more comfortable and securely holds than regular fixture for the G500. However, this case and the knack of choosing the right space for installation.
But the stylus is frankly disappointing. Firstly, it is unusually thin. Have you ever tried to write, holding a rod with a ballpoint pen? Certainly, yes. So, the thrill of working with a stylus A700 roughly the same.Second, the pen - telescopic so very frail. And in addition to this stylus is very tight out of the pencil-box, so to break it is not difficult. Perhaps that is why the manufacturer decided to put in a spare set: the first you ever break anything, remove it again from the foam.
Bottom-up ctilusy: E-Ten G500, Mio A700, and iPAQ hw6515 |
On re G500 nothing can be said. It also has a telescopic design, but quite thick, and therefore very durable and easy to use. However, the better to show us the stylus iPAQ hw6515. He was solid, plastic, same as all the latest models from HP.
Appearance - the concept is very subjective. The only thing to measure - is the size and convenience of the location of individual items. Let's start with the fact that the G500 is thicker and wider than the Mio. Along the length of these devices differ only slightly (119 x 62 x 23 mm for E-Ten vs. 117 x 57 x 19 mm for A700). But the difference in weight is felt very good. Apparatus E-Ten pulls jeans pocket is much stronger than A700. And wear it there because of the large thickness is not very convenient. This is not the model from Mitac, which is almost 40 grams lighter and thinner than 4 mm.
As for iPAQ hw6515, it is also not quite a pocket format. The reason for that - a large width. So the A700 in this regard has proved itself better than anyone.
Housing A700 painted in trendy this season black lacquered colors, combined with dark gray accents on the sides and silver on the front panel. Machine looks very impressive and stylish, but not everyone will like. The same can be said about the G500.
Central place on the front panel A700, as always, takes the screen. On it will be a separate conversation, and now proceed to inspect the unit on all sides. Unit controls, located under the screen, draws attention to its design. Look buttons, made of silver plastic, very nice. Another thing is that their purpose is different from that to which we have grown accustomed. In the center we have a four-way navigation button inscribed with key confirmation. The remaining four keys unaware "devices" and "lights out" (the usual green and red tubes), the launch of Windows Media Player'a and applications for voice control.Oddly enough, but the hardware buttons working with soft-button Windows Mobile 5.0, on the case no. The fact that fully use the device with one hand in such a case is almost impossible. This is a significant drawback for the device. The fact that fully use the device with one hand in such a case is almost impossible. This is a significant drawback for the device, which acts as a cellular phone. On the run to call a colleague or friend would not be so easy. At rival E-Ten G500, on the contrary, such keys are provided. So as a mobile phone G500, despite the large size, convenient A700. And indeed he had not four but six hardware buttons. Part is located below the screen (4 pieces), the other - over the screen (2 pieces). The lower group consists of: "reception", "lights out" call, and the very soft-keys. The top button starts the voice control and launcher M-Desk, which will be discussed in the relevant paragraph. Hardware buttons E-Ten G500 has a small stock of progress, but are pressed without any problems. They are decently spaced, so the possibility of simultaneously pressing two buttons removed.
The convenience of working with keys Mio A700 is also possible to say only good things. The buttons have a sufficient stock of progress, pressed tightly with snaps. On tactile sensations can easily determine whether a key is pressed or not. Directions navigation button always work properly, and its design is that "OK" button is located in a small recess and press it simultaneously with the directional buttons is almost impossible. Unless, of course, especially not to try.
Under the keyboard unit can be considered barely noticeable notch microphone, and on top of the front panel is the opening vocal dynamics and a pair of LEDs. One of them glows red during charging, green when fully charged, and blinks green when in the coverage area of the operator. The second is triggered when the reminder (blinking red), and points to the included Bluetooth (blinking blue). Here we note that the volume of the voice speaker is enough for any conditions. The sound quality on par with modern mobile phones, caller's voice is well recognizable and audible even in noisy environments (for example, in the Moscow metro). And these words apply equally to the two other participants in today's review. But back to the beginner in all respects - Mio A700.
At its lower end is only miniUSB connector for sync cable, and the top - is completely empty, except for the bow-antenna and the speaker module of GPS-receiver.
Empty and the upper ends of the other two models, GPS-communicators.
Left sidewall Mio A700 sheltered two small buttons for volume control. And, just two rather than one paired, as is often the case with smartphones and shifting, like HP iPAQ hw6515 and E-Ten G500.
On the right side of the Center includes: recessed button to soft-reset, covered with a rubber plug a memory card slot, 2.5-millimeter headset jack and button activating a camera. In general, the sidewall of the whole Trinity is pretty similar.
The back side of the body is made of glossy plastic, which seemed specifically designed to remove fingerprints. The same, in principle, can be said about the obverse. But because the fingers touching her very rare, it is not so noticeable. Get ready for the fact that the rear wall will have to wipe several times a day, or to accept the fact that she will be forever zalapana. By the way, E-Ten G500 and HP iPAQ hw6515 in this respect is much more practical. They have - plastic mat and a fingerprint on it does not remain.
Left to right: Mio A700, E-Ten G500 and HP iPAQ hw6515 |
But back to the A700. On top of the back of the camera lens located next to it - a mirror for self shooting, a speaker and a connector for an external antenna, hidden under a compact plastic lid.
The battery cover is removed without proper lightness. And all because of the smooth plastic. Fingers glide over it, and you have to make additional efforts to move the same cover, which, among other things, also very thin. In general, there is a danger that, during one attempt to open the battery compartment, it is a loud crack. In principle, it provides little notches into which you can stretch your fingernail and slide the cover, but it is not very convenient. The battery is fixed without any extra wisdom and removed, unlike the lid, is pretty easy. Pleased and SIM-card holder, equipped with a spring fixing, running on the same principle as the card slot SD / MMC.
In general, summing up over the exterior of vehicles, it is worth noting the build quality throughout the trinity. In general, it deserves a solid four. The only thing that deserves censure - a frail battery compartment lid at the Mio A700, as well as removable hard cap for garniturnoy connector in G500. Otherwise, all devices have shown themselves very well. Part of their hulls fitted tightly, backlash is nowhere observed.
If we believe the data presented, the screen Mio A700 is capable of displaying 262,000 colors. However, in comparing the pictures with the G500 and hw6515, which only supports 65536 colors, no difference can be seen. It is believed that it was the fault of the operating system that does not work with 262 thousand colors. Actually, the end user no matter what the reason for this phenomenon, but we must note the fact that between the visual image on the screen of G500 and A700 there is no difference.
Otherwise, the E-Ten G500 and Mio A700 is almost identical displays, a standard resolution of 320x240 pixels and 2.8 "diagonal with the first and 2.7" in the second. However, differences in this case still is. I must say that they are not critical, but generally favor the G500. First, the screens with a diagonal of 2.8 "to date - the largest available to communicators, and, hence, more comfortable to work and, for example, automotive GPS-navigation, where, given the size of the device, each tenth of an inch - on account . Gradually, this 2.8 "diagonal becomes the standard, but still not all manufacturers produce devices with such displays. That's a bit Mio "underestimated the bar." It is curious that the diagonal of iPAQ hw6515 - more at 3 ", but it's not much it saves. Recall that the main disadvantage of this device - an unusual screen resolution of 240x240 pixels, which causes several problems, such as parts of compatibility with third-party software. It is a pity that developers of HP did not address this shortcoming in the upcoming remake of the iPAQ hw6915. But back to the differences between the screens Mio and E-Ten. Let us evaluate the quality of the display and the matrix. The most elaborate version of the light once again, in G500. The point that its minimum level - not too high as that of the same Mio, so that in total darkness the screen does not hurt the eye, allows for long and comfortable working with him.Again a plus for car navigation systems, especially given our long winters. Yes, and with the maximum brightness of the future owners of E-Ten lucky because of all the trinity in this unit it is above all. This spread in the given values allows the most flexibility to customize the display under the lighting conditions. Adjust the brightness and Mio A700, and G500 is carried out in 11 steps. Like all matrix transflective type of illumination, while working on the street loses its color display. These, in principle, distinguishable, but reading in such conditions quite difficult - quickly tired eyes. For normal operation, have to raise the brightness to 6-7 division, and for someone and above. In terms of artificial lighting (home or office), on the contrary, everything is in order.
As for the quality of the matrix of our heroes, the viewing angles from A700 frankly disappointing. Seen from the top of his screen looks quite normal, like any other similar display, but when I try to look at the picture at an angle of 45 degrees to the right colors are inverted. Moreover, the left and right viewing angles from Mio somehow different. The greatest angle, as it seemed, on the left. Live with it is quite possible, but the overall impression of the device screen a bit spoiled. At E-Ten G500 and iPAQ hw6515 with angles all right, their screens are identical in quality. Here we say about the lighting control of our heroes. And Mio A700, and E-Ten G500, thanks to the bright light support, the buttons are well distinguishable in the darkness. Of course, visual key illumination G500, designed as a blue glowing lines around the screen, it looks spectacular, but it is a matter of taste. Illumination of buttons at the A700 - white, but also quite bright. And he and the other option does not hurt the eyes in the dark. Unfortunately, the same can be said fully to the third party test, iPAQ hw6515. Russian letters on its QWERTY-keyboard is clearly not enough illumination power, but the main control unit ("End" and "Welcome" call, together with the joystick), in general, is allocated properly.
Speed and memory
When considering the "iron sides of the issue, as usual, we start with the processor. In the case of the Mio A700, we have Intel XScale PXA270, clocked at 520 MHz. This is the second-speed processor to date, after Intel's 624 MHz XScale. What to competitors A700, they have things a little differently. E-Ten G500 is based on Samsung S3C2440 chip with a frequency of 400 MHz, and the iPAQ hw6515 is set PXA272 at 312 MHz. In principle, the device performance - not so important parameter, as, for example, the top model of the classical device. But there is a valid minimum. For example, recent work with the novelty Qtek s200 because of its 195 MHz processor was not very comfortable: we had to wait a long time to download large PDF-files, there were delays when formatting the volume of texts, etc. Just note that in all the subjects of today's speed on the eyes almost indistinguishable. Specific delays in Windows Mobile applications are not observed. For lovers of numbers, as always, present a table of test results in Spb Benchmark.
With reference to the table say that in it you will not find the results HP iPAQ hw6515.The fact that the Spb Benchmark index incorrectly calculates the speed of the memory in the case with our other two new products based on Windows Mobile 5.0, but for the previous OS WM 2003 SE, which runs iPAQ, this figure is calculated correctly, so the results were hw6515 above. As a result, it would be wrong to compare them with the achievements of G500 and A700. The table shows only the figures of the last two devices, and several more recent models. If you want to know about the performance iPAQ, we recommend you apply for review, and from themselves say that the eye unit is laid out at the other two contestants. Work PIM programs, and all built-in applications that do not raise any problems - anything really, just "fly". The discovery of large and small files in Pocket Word, again, not a problem, but work with presentations of large size makes the device think, however, quite a while. But back to the main actors race. Painting was a very ambiguous. Judging by the results, E-Ten G500 and Mio A700 are almost "head to head." In some tests, as you can see, Mio bypasses the E-Ten, and in others inferior. The total productivity, as measured by the index Spb Benchmark Index, a G500 is slightly higher. For those who do not welcome these conclusions, we repeat the trite phrase that in everyday use are no particularly critical brake work is not observed. Large test documents or spreadsheets in Excel Mobile opened very energetic. With such demanding applications as navigation software (in this case, the system PocketGPS Pro), both models operate without much delay, of course, if we are not talking about a route, and other operations requiring a little time. And in general to work with the Mio A700 and E-Ten G500 as comfortable as with any statistical average CPC. This - the normal state of affairs, in contrast to the performance quoted the same Qtek s200. Now check the GPS-triple performance video subsystem.
Here, as we see the G500 and A700 bypasses significantly. Thank for this is primarily a processor Intel PXA270, which is always good acts VideoTest. If you do not pay attention to the significant difference, then we can establish the fact that E-Ten G500, and the Mio A700 is suitable for viewing high quality video. IPAQ hw6515 in this regard look worse, not surprisingly, in view of its 312 MHz processor. Now pay attention to memory and its possible expansion in all three models. On board the Mio A700, we have 64 MB RAM and 128 MB Flash ROM, from which the user can use a total of 95 MB. At E-Ten G500 in stock are the same 64 MB 128 MB, of which we are entitled to dispose of already 128 MB. And the HP iPAQ hw6515 - altogether 64 MB RAM and 64 MB Flash ROM, from which we get almost 70 MB. As we see, in terms of available memory for all bypassed E-Ten G500, but the overall picture is almost standard. On the part of the expansion slots is the leader communicator Hewlett-Packard: he has just two - SD / MMC and miniSD, so connect to it will be possible not only memory cards but also all sorts of peripherals, for example, Wi-Fi-module. Y Mio A700 - a classic slot SD / MMC, while the E-Ten G500 - only one miniSD, for which the maximum amount of cards is 1 GB (talk about those cards that can be purchased at retail, will soon be available, and 2 GB variants) . In principle, miniSD Card, the price has caught up with SD, and even use them in devices with SD slots, possibly because it is related standards and complete with a mini adapter is always going to SD.
Sound capabilities of all three competitors are nearly identical. The sound from the external speaker is quite loud and clear. The call can be heard in almost any conditions, unless of course, as such, you have not chosen a quiet tune. Headset, as we have already said, and A700, and G500, and hw6515 has a volume control button and answer the call. Everything as expected.
Headsets GPS-triple alike as twins |
Quality of communication and hearing in general, all the contestants - normal. True, in some instances E-Ten G500, after some time of use there are "artifacts" with the sound of a voice dynamics. The problem is when a strange noise, because of whom heard the interlocutor becomes virtually impossible. During that time while staying G500 we tested, with nothing like we have not encountered, but some visitors to our forum have been forced to deal with this problem installing a special patch. According to them, the unpleasant noise is completely gone. With regard to the sound quality when playing music through a standard wired headset that comes, it can be described as "satisfactory". This applies to the E-Ten G500, and Mitac Mio A700. At HP iPAQ hw6515 is the case a little better, but before advanced MP3 player that communicators still far away. However, if you're not a music lover, you hardly notice the difference. But we have to state a fact. However, the volume level of all three communicators enough to listen to music in noisy environments (underground, busy street). While here, of course, much depends on your headphones. Headset jack of all three communicators non-standard, 2.5 mm. In that case, if you use other headphones, you'll have to buy an adapter. Fortunately, it is mere pennies and sold every second stall at stops. By the way, Koss headphones are capable of multiple audio section rehabilitate G500 and A700 in the eyes of their owners. On the voice recorder function test communicators speak in detail hardly worth it. Modern models have already reached a certain level of quality, so all of the latest device in this respect proved to be relatively good, as well as new items in the class of device. When recording in a quiet room at a distance of about 4-5 meters of the speaker's voice was distinctively marked. This is true for E-Ten G500, for Mio A700, and for the iPAQ hw6515.
Well, here it should be said about one particular, due to which E-Ten G500 is a bit more interesting Mio A700 and the iPAQ hw6515. It is about an integrated FM-receiver. You can use it only if you download a special program that allows them to activate and operate the tuner (G500 FM Radio 1.0). To install the program copy the contents of the archive in the folder \ windows on the device, then make a shortcut on FMtuner.exe and run the receiver.
Listening to the radio is only possible through the headset as it acts as an antenna. The reception quality is far from exemplary, but, nevertheless, to live with it is quite possible. While driving in your car and walk down the street signal is received pretty good. But in the rooms can sometimes appear untidy noise and interference. In the list of radio shows only in the form of frequency, features display of stations or, for example, RDS-posts, this utility is not supported, although it is possible that the whole thing in hardware. The program allows you to make a list of your favorite radio stations with no problems switching between them. The desired wave can catch as with a simple fast and digital set on a special keyboard.
Thus, as seen from the performance, on board our competitors - almost the same set of wireless modules - GSM / GPRS and Bluetooth. None of tested smartphones is not equipped with Wi-Fi. Sad but true. However, in the case of a dual-slot iPAQ problem can be solved by buying a Wi-Fi module on the card, and the owners of the other two devices can only advise alternate card with a wireless card.
Mio A700 and HP iPAQ hw6515 equipped with Bluetooth version 1.2, and E-Ten G500 - the latest second version of the protocol, which differs from the long-range and higher speed data transmission. With regard to a set of drivers to work with module Bluetooth, then the E-Ten G500 equipped with a standard set of software from Microsoft's own add-in E-Ten, which is pretty simple and easy to use. We describe its features in a separate review of the G500, but here we present only the screenshots and say that everything works flawlessly. Available in almost all the main features of Bluetooth - from data synchronization, and Bluetooth connectivity devices to Profile FTP (data viewing on your PC from your device and versa).
Bluetooth on the E-Ten G500: a convenient wizard |
In addition, unlike its competitor, E-Ten G500 supports fashionable nowadays profile A2DP, to listen to music through wireless headphones (more on this can be read here). This profile is, incidentally, was still available in version Bluetooth 1.2, but the newer A700 for some reason it does not work.
Listen to music on the E-Ten G500 can be wirelessly |
General, part of Bluetooth Mio things worse. Our hero is equipped with the same standard Bluetooth ctekom from Microsoft, however, is not so easy to use as a E-Ten, because no proper add-ins in the form of user-friendly interface for the company Mio does not offer it.Of the available options: synchronize with your PC, connect to devices with support for Bluetooth (headsets, PDAs, etc.) with the exchange of data, the profile of DUN (Dial Up Networking), allows you to use your device as a modem. Incidentally, the last profile is not listed are available for E-Ten, however, given its specificity, it is not useful to all users.
Bluetooth on the Mio A700 damp |
In terms of support for Bluetooth best drivers from across the Trinity boasts only iPAQ hw6515. Speech about the utility from the company Broadcom, having not only the support of all possible profiles (including A2DP - Wireless transmission of sound), but also thoughtful interface. More information on Bluetooth interested can read the review of the communicator hw6515, and we show screen shots for clarity of comparison.
On the telephone side of the participants of our survey, we will not talk in detail. We say only that the G500 and A700 support quadband GSM-network (850/900/1800/1900 MHz) and GPRS Class 10 (3 slots for reception, 2 transfer), but do not work with EDGE. But the iPAQ has the support of EDGE. Otherwise, the telephone part of the trinity is implemented as standard: calls are made through the usual application Phone, supports sending SMS and MMS, is the call log, etc. Here's how, for example, looks telephone program for Mio A700.
Cameras on all models are approximately the same - with a resolution of 1.3 megapixels. Maximum photo resolution - 1280 x 1024 pixels (for the G500 - 1280 x 960). In the case of A700 camera provides the following resolutions: 1024 x 768 640 x 480 320 x 240 and 120 x 160. Settings for the images are not very many.
You can choose from three shooting modes: - turn (the camera consistently eliminates four frames, it takes about 3-4 seconds)
- timer (shutter release time lag of several seconds)
- normal, which, presumably, everything is clear without further comment.
Among other things, it is possible to adjust brightness. Function - very useful, though often you have to increase the brightness, since images generally are dark, especially, oddly enough, on the street. In the "white balance" is available only one item - "automatically". Not a lot. But, in fairness, it should be noted that in most cases, auto-triggered correctly. True, there are also "pearl." Subjective impressions of image quality at Mio A700 and E-Ten G500 is approximately the same. The best photos are when shooting from the middle distances. Landscapes and close-ups tend to come out blurred. That's what the camera can Mio A700.
Interestingly, the G500 surpasses its nearest competitor by the abundance of options. Here you can save pictures in jpg, and in the bmp-file formats, there is a choice of presets for white balance, shot selection effects (negative, grayness, retrospective and mirror), as well as three versions of the framework. The only drawback is the poor performance of auto-detect the white balance, but the negative does not look significant, given the available choice of settings for all occasions. Just below the photos from your camera E-Ten G500.
Video quality is also about the same, but for these purposes G500 again has more settings. In particular, you can select the recording format is 3gp, which recognizes most phone numbers or one of three resolutions (maximum - 320 x 240). But the HP iPAQ hw6515 subjectively inferior to those two models for image quality, although some suffer from the same illnesses. However, about this we are told in detail in the respective review, we will not be repeated.
Testing on the battery life was on our standard scheme. Before looking at the results, we recall that camaya capacity battery for E-Ten G500 - 1440 mAh. In second place Mio A700 with its 1320 mAh, and the third HP iPAQ hw6515 - with 1200 mAh. Battery, of course, is not always the main determining factor, but still.
So, here's what we have: - Maximum load. Wireless interfaces are included, brightness and volume are maximum, in a cycle of playing "heavy" video. E-Ten G500 spent 1 hour and 50 minutes, Mio A700 - 2 hours 57 minutes, and the HP iPAQ hw6515 - 2 hours, 12 minutes.
- Reading. Enabled phone module, Bluetooth is turned off. Brightness of the light - in the minimum position (first division of the minimum). Reading in Haali Reader with automatic scrolling. The results were as follows: E-Ten G500 - 7 hours 20 minutes, Mio A700 - 12 o'clock 15 minutes, and HP iPAQ hw6515 - 12:00 20 minutes.
- MP3 Playback. Enabled phone module, the screen is off. Listening through headphones at maximum volume. We used a Pocket Media Player and files with bitrates 192 KB / c. Observe the following picture: E-Ten G500 - 8:00 50 minutes, Mio A700 - 15 hours 35 minutes, and HP iPAQ hw6515 - 10:00 6 minutes.
In the mean load Mio A700 (about half an hour of talks, work with mail, reading, some photos, some MP3, small, about one hour, sessions GPS) worked for two days. Apparatus E-Ten G500 and HP iPAQ hw6515 kept in an area one and a half days. In principle, indicators of the past - it is almost standard for modern smartphones. Mio A700, as you see, has risen slightly above average bar. True, if the loading device viewing videos, games, and is also active with Bluetooth, then you are unlikely to make the most of it at least a day of battery life. By the way, a more detailed test results E-Ten G500 at runtime can be found in its review. Well, of course, for clarity, we have reduced all the results in the chart.
As with all the latest navigation solutions, E-Ten G500 and Mio A700 uses the navigation module, which works on the basis of well-proven chip SiRFstar III. It is this chip equipped with the latest navigational PDA (eg, Fujitsu-Siemens Pocket Loox N520, ASUS MyPal A636, etc.), is now the turn and up to communicators. Both subjects have connectors for external antenna, but the urgent need for buying it, to be honest, no.Internal antenna to perform its tasks "perfectly well". We have experienced communicators while driving in the car and on foot. And both instances worked almost equally well. The test began with a stroll through the city. I must say that E-Ten and Mio quickly started "from scratch", ie a cold start with the definition of coordinates took us about 2-3 minutes. Coordinates, as usual, have been determined very accurately with the minimum allowable errors, so that future problems with the navigation does not arise. Hot, that is, re-start, passed all instantly, in about 10-20 seconds. When walking around the city, our heroes take a signal from 6-8 satellites and lost its only there, where we - inside of buildings, under bridges. The same was observed when driving a car. During a signal traveling through a tunnel, of course, was lost, but on ordinary streets, even among the dense built-up high-rise buildings companions were "hooked". Sometimes, their number dropped to four, but it was also enough for comfortable work. Unfortunately, all of the above can not be said of the GPS for iPAQ hw6515. Sometimes this model has had problems with signal reception. Communicator regularly lost companions in those places where the G500 and A700 have worked without any complaints. Blame this, of course, GPS-chip. It is a model GL20000 from the company Global Locate. He's older than his rival SiRFstarIII, less sensitive and therefore holds the signal is much weaker. As a navigation program, as always, we have used one of the best local navigation systems for smartphones - PocketGPS Pro, of which repeatedly told in our reviews. However, for those who are not quite up to date, repeat.
E-Ten G500 with navigation systems: PocketGPS Pro on board |
PocketGPS Pro - is a car GPS-navigation system for PDAs and PDA Pocket PC (Windows Mobile 5.0/2003 SE/2003) with a detailed electronic map of the Moscow region. This system allows you to display the electronic map information about your position, course and speed finds the right address, or other object that will pave the road trip to Moscow and the region to bypass traffic jams, hold-route voice and visual prompts. Map PocketGPS Pro includes tens of thousands of streets with buildings, subway stations, rivers, towns and other objects that you can add your own bookmarks (waypoints). This, in brief. A complete list of system capabilities can be found on its website - For each of the tested devices used a special version PocketGPS Pro. And here I must say, lie fundamental differences between the Mio A700, E-Ten G500 and HP iPAQ hw6515. The thing is a complete set of these communicators. Thus, E-Ten G500, supplied to the Russian market by "MakTsentr, equipped with a fully functional version PocketGPS Pro, while the A700 comes with an OEM version, that is a stripped-down version of the program. Possibilities full version unlike the richer than the OEM. For example, during tests on E-Ten has been installed 2.4.199, details of which can be found here, and the Mio - OEM-edition. True, and OEM is quite possible to work with. Especially such an option for those who just want to get acquainted with the program and see how it suits him personally. Among the possible options PocketGPS Pro for Mio: The last card of Moscow and the region, the search function addresses the geographical objects and POI - Infrastructure, "travel mode" as well as information mode. However, there is no possibility of routing, the system prompts, information about traffic conditions, as well as a number of other settings. However, all owners of the A700, wishing to obtain a full version can do it and pay only $ 95. What is the difference from each other full and OEM versions PocketGPS seen in the screenshots.
Left to right: download PocketGPS Pro for Mio A700 and E-Ten G500 |
PocketGPS Pro: without a route for the Mio A700 and their route for the G500 |
PocketGPS Pro: without the necessary settings for routing and Mio with those on the E-Ten |
Available system settings for the Mio A700 and E-Ten G500: Feel the difference |
Well, finally, with respect to HP iPAQ hw6515, so did the communicator is navigation software from the company TomTom, which is still not properly adapted to the countries of eastern Europe and especially Russia. However, the owner of this machine is nothing to prevent purchase PocketGPS Pro separately, the full version, the good version, adapted for the screen resolution (240x240) has long been available for sale. The only moment - for the navigation system will have to pay its full value - $ 119. So in comparing the original (boxed) GPS-capabilities of all three devices, the first place give communicator E-Ten, as the price of one unit you get not only a communicator but also a complete car navigator with all the necessary software. This special offer is called the E-Ten G500 Pro.
A set of additional software, too, are not seen in every detail. Both machines contain a pretty good selection spetssofta - roughly the same purpose: to mandatory launcher or mendzherov quickly launch applications to simple graphical editor and a mini-plug to facilitate the user's life. Let's start with the G500. By the way, in this sense the model is no different from its predecessor, E-Ten M600. So, at your disposal will be: - QuickLink - very convenient corporate launcher / manager applications.
- M-Desk - alternative to the standard menu of programs. Allows quick access to key features and applications.
- Voice Commander - a tool that, as you might guess from the name, is used for voice commands.
- Image Maker - a graphical editor that allows you to perform simple image manipulation, including and from photographs taken a camera.
- Profiles - Utility to quickly change the basic settings, brightness, volume and vibrate mode.
- Modem Link - an application that will help set up GPRS.
Y Mio A700, especially catches the eye: - Mio Menu - spetsprogrammka with menu access to all major settings and applications to the device, similar to the menu of many mobile phones.
- The original program SMS-coordinates, which allows you to create and send messages with your position. Will have very helpful in emergency cases.
- Voice Dialer - a complete analogue of the program on the Voice Commander E-Ten G500.
- SIM Manager - to work with data stored on the SIM card. - EConvertor - multifunction calculator and converter. On board with a third party race HP iPAQ hw6515 also housed a good collection of proprietary software, especially relevant in view of its specific screen. Among the programs available: - TodayPanel Lite - the program to access the main settings of the communicator is made in the form of icons on the desktop in a window Today. This application displays the battery level, free memory, backlight level (adjustable).
- IPAQ Wireless - the traditional HP and shell-configuring wireless adapters. To configure the GSM / GPRS software called GSM / GPRS manager, and for Bluetooth - Bluetooth manager and settings.
- IPAQ Image Zone - application for viewing and managing images.
- WESTTEK ClearVue Office Suite - software for viewing office documents, presentations and PDF files. - SIM Manager - an ordinary SIM manager with the ability to delete contacts on your SIM card and transfer of contacts between the SIM card and internal memory device.
Price issue
The network of shops "computer in the palm of the" cost E-Ten G500 Pro (complete with a full version of Systems Navigation PocketGPS Pro) is $ 670, Mio A700 - $ 750, and HP iPAQ hw6515 - $ 539.
It's time to take stock of the test-runner of our GPS-three, beginning with the appearance of the devices, evaluation of packaging and other features. However, compared with each other, we will express the leaders of the competition - E-Ten G500 and Mio A700, since a number of reasons, which are slightly lower, HP iPAQ hw6515 is an outsider.
So: - By design we have a tie, both are attractive device. True, Mio A700 benefits from smaller size and weight.
- Equipment - is absolutely identical, the box contains everything needed to install the devices in the car and began to work with them. Points equal ratio: 1:1. Play on.
- On the convenience of E-Ten G500 seriously exceed Mio A700 due to the presence of the very hardware soft keys to manipulate the device with one hand, without using the stylus. This is a very important advantage for mobile phone, whose duties performed by both devices. Obviously, the use of E-Ten as a cell would be more convenient than the Mio.
- The screen quality E-Ten G500 surpasses Mio A700 due to larger sizes, lighting and sound quality of the matrix with good viewing angles.
- Performance in Spb Benchmark, both devices are on equal terms, but the video subsystem Mio runs much faster (see the test results in BetaPlayer). Another point in favor of the Mio A700.
- In terms of multimedia capabilities E-Ten G500 gets an extra plus for the integrated FM-tuner, as well as encouragement for a large set of settings for the camera.
- With regard to the implementation and support work with Bluetooth G500 wins by a newer protocol version 2.0 and user-friendly interface settings.
- Mio A700 is strongly ahead of G500 for endurance, I mean, the battery life. Plus one point.
- On the part of equipment Navigation software Mio concedes, as it comes bundled with the OEM-version PocketGPS Pro with a stripped-down functionality, while the G500 in the box there is a full PocketGPS Pro (v. 2.4.199). However, the quality of reception of these devices on a single (very high) level.
- A selection of additional software on both models - very high quality and well thought-out, so there's a draw.
- Well, the price comes out the winner again E-Ten G500.
On the total score of the model from the E-Ten bypasses his opponent. Well, with regard to the third party present comparison, HP iPAQ hw6515, then this model is currently offside "as obsolete, especially given the above new products, and soon leaves the scene with the advent iPAQ hw6915. But do not just dismiss this option. iPAQ hw6515 will suit those looking for a GPS-communicator for a reasonable price supports EDGE, two expansion slots and a full QWERTY-keyboard. However, you should not confuse the square screen devices and not the best GPS-receiver. In addition, the navigation application to buy more. In general, if you simply list the pros and cons of the considered device, we get the following picture.
E-Ten G500: - nice design
- + communicator ready car navigator in a single package
- built-in FM-radio
- high performance
- the presence of a fully functional version of the navigation system PocketGPS Pro Complete
- good selection of additional software
- reasonable price
Mio A700: - effective design
- otlichnye results on the runtime
- Compact and lightweight
- high performance
- OEM-version navigation PocketGPS Pro Complete
- good selection of additional software
HP iPAQ hw6515: - EDGE support
- convenient QWERTY-keyboard
- two expansion slots
- good selection of additional software
- reasonable price
E-Ten G500: - large size and weight
- low battery life
Mio A700: - high starting price
- soiled body
- uncomfortable stylus
- lack of hardware buttons to control soft keys
HP iPAQ hw6515: - screen non-native resolutions 240x240 pixels (the problems with third-party software)
- large size
- not the best GPS-Receiver
- Included are no navigation software for Russian users
- outdated OS Windows Mobile SE 2003
The authors, translation: