"Since Russia is always the case - thought Mary - you admire to something, cry, and how to see, with what you admire and vytoshnit can." V. Pelevin "Chapaev and Void" Came across an article here recently Michael Bravo (http://www.inter.net.ru/22/12.html) in the latest issue of the journal "Internet" and the hand she reached out to write a review and in fact did not intend. The article, "buy the CCP" useful and interesting in the sense that it always wondered what else is new we can say that about anything, it seems, everything has been said long ago. However, the article is not only useful but also harmful. Because the untutored reader might easily believe anything that is written. At the beginning of the article offered a simple and, in my opinion, the only correct classification of the devices in two ways: the presence / absence of the keyboard and type of operating system. Michael then goes on to describe the specific platforms, and here the fun begins. Thus, the author reports that the Palm Computing produces a "whole range of models": Palm III, IIIx, IIIe, IIIxe, IIIc, V, Vx. Good heavens! Palm has never produced all these models at the same time! By July-August 2000, production remained only model IIIc, Vx and VII. Model announced Palm m100. And all the others have long been discontinued. So the choice of device variants III, IIIx, IIIe, IIIxe, V considered not necessary. The author goes on smoothly transferred to the Palm clones of production companies and HandSpring TRG and simultaneously announced that "no Handspring, TRG nor officially in Russia are not available, so those devices that I've seen, have been ordered through the Internet or imported from abroad." Oshibochka left, and Michael, both of these companies, one long and one recently, have their official distributor in Russia. We watch the news! It is best to have the author's published description besklaviaturny Windows CE devices. Here, almost everything is correct, but for some reason mentioned Philips Nino, which the public has already forgotten, firmly and totally deserved. Turning to the keyboard device, the author reports that "in the middle there is a lot more or less similar devices from Hitachi, NEC, LG, Philips, Sharp, but they are hardly represented in the Russian market - apparently the demand is not so great." Now that's gross misinformation! Already a half years, none of these companies are not producing anything. That is why they are not represented on the Russian market. Yes, there was an excellent model for Phenom Express LG, good Sharp Mobilon 4500 and so-so Philips Velo 500. But now this only remember the veterans movement. End of the article is devoted to psionic. There are no blunders, all nomalno. But it would be interesting to write about updates type Revo16Mb or smartphone. So, thanks to the author for work, it was interesting to read, especially the personal assessment of different models. But we need to seriously prepare for. Fortinbras
Review: Two ...
Read a review of Mr. Fortinbras, and I want to defend Michael Bravo. The fact that the issue of the journal appeared in the interenet After the paper journal in print. Preparation of a paper magazine takes at least a month. Michael Bravo gathering material for two weeks or three, even four. Paper magazine I read about a month ago (maybe a bit more). Total: 25 August - 2 months - 3-4 weeks = end of May - early June. Something I did not see representatives of Handspring and TRGPro in Russia at this time. I can firmly say this because I wanted to change my Pilot Pro to TRGPro or Visor is the end of May. Unfortunately, Visor offered only "samovvoz, and TRG Pro was not at all (You can check the archives at your conference," Buying, selling, exchange). As a result, bought the Palm IIIx, as now, sorry (in the sense I want to TRG Pro). The phrase on many models is as follows: "In addition to Palm Computing, producing a range of models - Palm III, IIIx, IIIe, IIIxe, IIIc, V, Vx, ...". The author expressly states that the company makes them simultaneously. Simply fail constructed phrase, and in the Russian market, they were present SIMULTANEOUSLY. So that the "attack" on Michael Bravo is not justified, although the inaccuracies in the article lacking. Sincerely, Sergey Fedotov
(Editor of PAPER magazine) Authors translation:
Sergei Fedotov