Reviewers who are assigned a chance to test a new smartphone Sony Ericsson P800, jokingly recommended to keep on hand the phone to quickly call an ambulance team. So strong may be impressed by the new device.
Yes, the smartphone is far from perfect, but despite this he has all chances to become a niche in the PDA market, the more so in these times such a breakthrough has to be performed quickly and vigorously. For two decades, the PDA market has remained a separate niche: fashion, high-tech. Decent sound, rising at times around the hand-held computers, pushing users to acquire first Psion Organizer, then in the 90th Palm ... Nevertheless, overall sales compared to the cell phone market remains quite small. Just for comparison: according to the GSM Association every ninth person using a mobile phone. Producers are convinced that the concept of a smartphone to be based on form factor is a cell phone, familiar to most consumers. With the usual keypad for dialing, but several big-screen, live example of that - Nokia Series 60. P800 - PDA with touch screen and form factor handset. Modern mobile has become so compact that sometimes get lost easily in your pocket:). P800 is not the first smartphone, but this is the first time that the CCP managed to fit in the size of a cell phone (the same applies to the mass). In principle, the size and weight can argue with him the latest model Motorolla Accompli, but a dispute over when it comes to functional, screen and ... about integrated in the P800 digital camera. Sony Ericsson is very easy. Blue almost transparent body design reminiscent of Apple iMac, and the impression is further enhanced interface OS: you should choose the stylus piktogrammku as it lightly, "leaves", just like Makovsky Aqua. OS can also work with different color schemes. P800 resembles its predecessor, R380-screen the entire front panel with a hinged keypad for dialing. As in R380, the keyboard keys mechanically pressed on the touch screen. The digital camera is located on the back of the phone like the Nokia 7650, but unlike the latter, the protective cover over the lens is not provided. Accordingly, analyzing processes left without protection from dust and dirt.
At the time of filming phone emits a sound, much like a camera shutter Leica 1958 year:). USB ports do not. Bluetooth and infrared port located on the left side with the Jog-dial wheel. The stylus is located on the right and quite uncomfortable. Likely to mount in the final version of the autumn will be changed. Generally, it is the weakest link in the smartphone form factor. Here are the right digital camera shutter button, and click 'connect to the Internet. Pretty weird for for GPRS-device, which in principle should always be on-line. Likely to need a button when all the GPRS-channels are busy, and phone Sedin on a simple GSM Internet connection.
Polished Quartz
The main subject for comparison with our competitors, of course, remain the OS and user interface GUI.
All the wealth of works on the small screen resolution of 320x208, which seems a little narrow compared to the PocketPC, but it looks good compared to PalmOS (not from Sony, of course). The interface is very similar to the PalmOS pop-up windows over previous applications. However, the above is polosochka to switch between them.List of applications on the main screen is displayed as icons or as a proper list:). Lapping GUI has a long and painful process. Initially, the shell was proanonsirovana two years ago called Quartz. Development were conducted in a Swedish laboratory wing Symbian. And two years not spent in vain. Applied to P800 lightweight version of Quartz called UIQ, to the maximum using resources, multi-color screen with high resolution. "We always had to make the shell easier," - says Ulf Wretling, Head of third-party software Sony Ericsson, - "Asian consumers are paying more attention to the size and design, while the U.S. - on the functionality." The smartphone is built your own browser AU System Browser, understands HTML, cHTML and WAP 2.0 pages, so no need to keep some browsers do not. Some efforts have been directed to speed up downloading Java midlet-s, for this is built into the OS AppLoader, load them directly from the server. A few words about the wave of programs that appear for Symbian phones (Symbian smartphones produced by manufacturers such as Nokia, Motorola, Siemens and Panasonic). Absurd situation with the Nokia 9210, when the program has to put a desktop PC. [Ca. HPCru: here the foreign author is wrong in 9210 is quite possible to put the program without a PC] It seems the time has come when the procedure for installing the programs should be standardized and somehow centralized. The smartphone is a tri-band, ie He will work in the U.S. and in Europe, and Russia. The amount of memory to store 200 VGA images. The screen supports 4096 colors. In conclusion, I should add that most likely such producers as Handspring, will need to lower prices for their communicators with the appearance of P800, to ensure competitiveness. Sources, Materials:
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