From 3 to 6 October in Sokolniki exhibition "Mobile Office". Unfortunately, the number of participants is very small, but nothing surprising in this - an exhibition for the first time. More than half the stands occupied by publishers and journal editors, for example, our colleagues from the "mobile computing".
Also among the participants there were several companies involved in mobile phones and accessories.
Actually mobile office as a solution is only one company - Advanced Networks for You. This decision represents a set of programs for the organization of visiting trade and synchronization with desktop machines. Suite runs on PocketPC.
Another interesting booth located in the far corner of the pavilion. Finnish tehnlogichesky University presents two interesting project. One of them is associated with the creation of a set of standards for the automatic detection of mobile services available in any locality, and an immediate connection to them.
The second project - a kind of "response to America." Developed an integrated wireless system sales and purchase accounting. In short, the essence of the project to replace the current barcode special "smart" stickers, which are transparent to the consumer devices are read as records in the store (for example, a terminal on the carriage for the goods and cash registers), and in the fridge at home. That is, a refrigerator will warn you if it detects that ends with beer:). Interestingly, the pre-alpha system, we have demonstrated for Psion Netbook.
It remains to add that in a conference room are the entry-level seminars on the use of handheld computers. And this fact is joy. Remember how during the formation of, for example, 1C conducted the first seminar for "non-digital" buhgaleterov? Here's a curious picture on the screen was photographed.
And on one of the stands are two ip-phone with which to make a test call.
Hopefully, next year target exhibition picks up the pace and we will see interesting new solutions and devices. Good luck! The authors, translation:
Anton Kuznetsov