So what-what, and the choice of the mobile market boasts more than any other. Today it presents a variety of different models of different manufacturers is that "omobilit" can a man with almost any taste, hearing and thick koshelka - be he the most inveterate student. Naturally, with such a diversity of supply in the market highlighted the model for the representatives of quite different backgrounds with very different levels of income - from the "youth" Nokia 3310 with changeable skins veselenky rastsvetochek to respectable smartphone that just 3D-accelerator cards are not integrated. However, the main function of the handset is still an opportunity to make and receive calls - it is still born a telephone, and not a hybrid computer, voice recorder and intellectual coffeemakers. I do not accidentally distracted by verbiage and came to the conclusion that a mobile phone - is primarily a phone. Although considered in this material model, it has all the prerequisites to get into the category of "smartphones", she, like no other combines all the features of the phone with a wide range of additional services, while remaining exactly convenient phone. Thus, Siemens SL45. Specification of the device described many times in the web - for example here. The new machine represents one of the latest models of this company in the mobile market of reputation has the 25th series, and well-established today with the popular series 35. It would seem, to do something more enjoyable than the M35 (for youth) or C35 (for all others) are difficult, but the company's engineers stiffened, and gave SL45, unwittingly making parallels with the German car the same, the letters SL to the body which are close to numbers 600. From the narration, talking about what can be seen at once - the phone is surprisingly beautiful. Despite the very compact size (105h46h17 mm), the new machine has a sufficiently large screen and very comfortable in the hand. At the same time - almost weightless - 1988 design is executed with an emphasis on the classics, no association with the soap box, or vice versa, with the brick does not cause - but the "classic": not devoid of shades of "modernity": that in support of the original silver color, raised buttons and amber-orange backlit display. Such a course designer is justified - in the hand of a businessman phone looks expensive and harmoniously, especially being "dressed" in the skin, but the youth does not look like a policeman in the disco. Navigating the menu is traditional for Siemens is clear and simple - the more so because under review copy was Russified. More user-friendly menus boast except that devices from Nokia, though, in my opinion, all a matter of habit. The menu is so convenient that the use of virtually all functions of the apparatus can be immediately took him in hand - everything is very structured, it is intuitively clear and simple. Again: advanced menu system promotes "adult" screen size - most of the functions (incoming call, SMS, etc.) nicely animated, that in general it may be noted phrase "user friendly" - a phenomenon important and necessary. Mobile phone - a very personal thing and it is better to rid yourself of unnecessary negative emotions (what occurs after use, say, Motorola), for which, incidentally, as my grandmother used to say, "money Ploce. Navigation through the menu via the four-button-joystick and two auxiliary buttons. Stiffness clicking on the keyboard is optimal - just enough to not call someone by accident, when the phone is in the jeans pocket. However, if you have a very tight jeans, is provided to lock the keypad from accidental clicks. All manipulations with the keyboard sounded muted clicks of confirming that you really clicked, and you do not seem. Naturally, there is a system of predictive text input SMS-messages T9, which traditionally does not support the Russian language. Sound and reception quality on a scale we can safely estimate of 5. External antenna, allowing an average (on the passport and in comparison with competitors) power apparatus confidently held network, showing the field strength of about 75%, where some competing model saw the signal as 30 percent.Sound and dynamics, and when using a headset, hands-free clear and loud - really, when you use dynamic "effect of the bucket," ie, an echo is present. Naturally, the apparatus of a rich selection of tunes - their 42, not counting the fact that you can record your own on the flash card. Tunes very loud, vibration can be duplicated - in a word, you can only miss a call on purpose.
All of the above concerns precisely those functions that allow you to talk about the unit as a good, well-made and thoughtful phone - however, these functions are not limited to SL45. The main difference between this unit from the mass of cell phones - a built-in MP3-player. To store the music to the phone includes support for flash memory cards standard MMC (MultiMediaCard). By default, comes 32 Mbaytny option, but theoretically nothing prevents the use of higher-capacity cards. The player itself is implemented is quite simple - there are all the standard features needed to play files standards WMA and MP3. Tags are read correctly, but the maximum bit rate, which may play a file is 128 kbit / s - which, incidentally, is a normal quality for portable devices. Play is possible via the supplied with a telephone headset that also allows voice control of phone. Playback controls for the standard: among the available options, shuffle, repeat, next / last track, play, stop, pause. For the convenience of the buttons to switch between tracks made on the side of the phone - running them easy to find by touch switch track or start / stop the music. Time with the track displays a ruler bar, which is painted as playing a file. Generally speaking, the device is advertised as a "phone-player", but to me it seemed all the same phone - the same player is just what the Americans call features, that is more nimble nice lotion. It would be logical to assume the existence of a digital voice recorder - he was on the phone is taking place. Quality voice recording sufficient, however, compared with professional specialized devices a few plays through the microphone. Output can be recorded messages on a schedule - a sort of convenient "reminder." The thought occurred - recorded - put the time to recall - was a reminder. You can record messages of up to 20 minutes, and their number is limited only by the capacity flash cards. The scheme, to be honest, comfortable - but as a rule, similar features enjoyed by people with a unique temperament, characterized by thoroughness and scrupulousness. Standard for the latest Siemens, the machine is built modem with data transmission at speeds up to 14400 baud. With the PC phone can be paired, not when the children say, as non-contact - via the infrared port and through the lace. And then it was discovered an unfortunate misunderstanding, which is not to mention impossible. The fact that the device has extensive functions as an organizer, for example, comes with the phone software is provided with a diary sync Outlook, etc. In the end, the phone regularly want to download music - but this is only possible by an archaic cable . "By air, that is, through the infrared port, can not do this - the software that came with the device, do not care that the infrared port available and the system is, in principle, sees the phone as a device. Just when you install among the ports, which connected the device, you can choose either COM1, or ... correctly, COM2. In connection with this - you're doomed, the poor user to carry around everywhere lace, or use the phone as the organizer can be only at home or only at work, as well as change the music on a flash card. Infra same port can only be used when connecting the device as an external modem. But here, too wrong - Windows 2000 nefunktsionalen this modem, as a phenomenon. Well, no drivers, just to Siemens for W2K, and the standard "modem 14400" working with an error that is not working at all. Agree, it would be foolish to move from Win 2000 to 98 just to be able to use the built-in SL45 modem via infrared.Thus, I can state that the infrared port in this device - no more than an extra payment of money the user, a defect of the company and the only thing in this phone is not thought to shine. To summarize, we note that Siemens SL45 - excellent modern phone that will please user almost everywhere. The only nuance, because of which I have not rushed to buy it right away - its price. At present it is about 500-odd dollars, frankly, a little expensive. But, with volume shipments (ie, through a couple of months) the price, according to representatives of the Russian office of the company, will fall significantly. If by "substantially" means at least $ 300 at retail, the phone will become a very coveted purchase. And if the situation with the infrared port to fix, then we can safely say that the hit took place. Sources, Materials:
The authors, translation:
Ilya Abramenkov