Results of the action "Model Run" at the exhibition "Softool - 2001&quot

September 28, at 12 am at the booth MakTsentr the ceremony of awarding winners of "Model Runs".
Results of the action "Model Run" at the exhibition "Softool - 2001&quot
The most crucial moment. The absolute winner was ...
The absolute winner "Begov, all responses which coincided with the final estimate of 18 professional experts, was Alexander Manykin - Chief Specialist, Department of Information Technology Bank TCB. He became the proud owner of a Pocket PC Palm m500. The remaining 3 contestants (in their assets lacked only one correct answer) were awarded the universal stylus pens, and gifts from the company MakTsentr.
Results of the action "Model Run" at the exhibition "Softool - 2001&quot
Alexander Manykin: I can not believe - Palm m500 mine now!
Results of the action "Model Run" at the exhibition "Softool - 2001&quot
Lucky, so lucky!
"I have already more than half are regular visitors and as an avid user PDA, I can say that this resource at any time you can find answers to your questions and always get competent professional advice" - that is has completed its response speech winner Alexander Manykin.
Results of the action "Model Run" at the exhibition "Softool - 2001&quot
Who are the next lucky one? At stake - two universanye pen-stylus
We hope that the goal of the action - to bring to your attention an objective assessment of 4 new products of the computer market, compare them and give you the opportunity to make a choice - is achieved.
Results of the action "Model Run" at the exhibition "Softool - 2001&quot
Winner of the second universal pen-stylus
Results of the action "Model Run" at the exhibition "Softool - 2001&quot
T-shirts from - all the winners!
Thus, the action is "Model Runs" successfully completed.MacCentre Company expresses sincere appreciation to the team of experts, to thank all participants of our contest - and they turned out 500 people, and once again congratulate the winners.
Results of the action "Model Run" at the exhibition "Softool - 2001&quot
The authors, translation: