Third Moscow pilotovka at the new location

Changed the venue and time. But pilotomany not change. Those familiar cute face in the new environment ... January 18 at 19.30 in quantities of 36 people are gathered in the premises of the Moscow Children's Club "Computer", which was to take the third pilotovka. How many have admitted in the questionnaire, mainly to listen to the reports, look at others, to show themselves well, and like to share software.
Third Moscow pilotovka at the new location
Well, third time is always symbolic! Past pilotovka showed that fighters for the cause of Palm ready to "fight" in any conditions. After the workday, for example, can go listen to 4 of the report, every half hour, completely ignoring the cakes and tea, which themselves had brought. And not just listen, and discuss in detail. And this is without rest breaks and samodemonstratsiyu! Unfortunately, all were left without the promised competition, which just does not fit in the evening program and must be held in next time. But the reports at this time were very relevant and illustrative. Thanks to the projector and video camera, the power of artistic expression of speakers has increased several times. And in the hall stood a respectful silence.
Third Moscow pilotovka at the new location
The first was dokladchkom Andrei Kuznetsov. He announced the withdrawal of Russian Palma "and urged everyone to participate in the project. Programmers are vividly reacted to the invitation, and later expressed a desire to place their projects on disk "Russian Palma. We hope that the wishes be followed by concrete action and await the results. The second speaker Pavel Bulgakov (Stirlitz). His account of the GPS satellite navigation receivers in conjunction with the platform Palm, provoked strong interest and discussion was delayed for half an hour.
Third Moscow pilotovka at the new location
It turned out that this system of Russia is "somewhat differently than in other countries. So far ... not quite legally, on the enthusiasm. In this connection for the Palm has not yet developed high-quality vector map of Moscow or St. Petersburg, and of other cities and say nothing. Scientists-enthusiasts as always being persecuted by the authorities as to get permission to GPS-receiver with us is impossible, but to get an administrative penalty for his wearing of a $ 800 minimum salaries - please. And you have to hide your Stirlitz priemnichek from watchful guards, the size of the benefit thereof allows. The only thing that can give a brave tester - is cumbersome wires, without which the system GPS + Palm5 not functioning.
Third Moscow pilotovka at the new location
They say that the question of allowing the use of GPS-receivers is discussed in the summit, but what are threads there just are not discussed? Next were a duo Peter Wolf (Spider) and Yuri Sokolov (YES). They talked about the two programs-shells: the Israeli "HandScape Pro" and "MegaLauncher" from the Russian company Megasoft. YES praised "Handscape Pro" for the opportunity to customize the interface, which immediately and demonstrated. Spider a few times called "MegaLauncher" shell "for the stupid Americans" for the simplicity and intuitive handling. Probably the ideal program shell to actually Spidera - is the one whose function it is impossible to know until the end.
Third Moscow pilotovka at the new location
Judging by the profiles, the program people in general liked. Someone might even buy both for $ 10 to $ 20 and this despite the fact that the question of whether he cracked software responded positively. It was about ten o'clock, and all were eager to speak pilotomany and discuss, speak and discuss ... True, two recent reports have been five-minute. Sergei Fedotov told about the shell SystemCommander 1.46. Andr told about new software, "third-party" for Sony Clie: JogDial use in all applications, reading of texts written on the Memory Stick (without transferring them to the main memory), a utility for use with Memory Stick (the details of this report will appear later).
Third Moscow pilotovka at the new location
As soon as the hunger for information was satisfied with the present experienced physical hunger, and finally saw the cakes. During the communication group of activists decided to reorganize the offices of the club on the web. Stay tuned!
Third Moscow pilotovka at the new location
Give them an extra hour a day, and they filled it with useful information!
Third Moscow pilotovka at the new location
The organizers thank the Moscow Children's Club "Computer" for the provision of facilities. Organizational HomePage Moscow Palm-club: authors, translation: