Table of contents
- Part 1 - Table of Contents
- Part 2 - General
- Part 3 - Operating System
- Part 4 - Alternative shell
- Part 5 - Iron
- Part 6 - Networking
- Part 7 - Synchronization
- Part 8 - Problems
Common questions
What is the Casio BE-300 Pocket Manager?
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What are the key differences between BE-300 from the E-125?
Screen with a passive matrix and slightly smaller, there is no speaker, microphone, infrared port. Plus an interface designed by Casio, it is not similar to the Pocket PC, non-volatile flash-memory recording (memory, as in a desktop computer, is actually divided into "hard disk and RAM).How long does the battery last?
When working together with sound and moving images - about 3 hours, reading books and not the brightest illumination of up to 5 hours.And what does "battery lasts for a week of work?
Casio specialists call this number, according to the fact that the average time ispolzovagniya machines - half an hour a day. Then it turns out that four hours of continuous operation (on average) is enough for about a week.How to install the program on BE-300 without a PC Connect?
Install and run on a large computer Microsoft ActiveSync. Then locate the folder for the program with a file extension of *. cbea, copy the Cassiopeia and run (double click or a knock "OK"). Reboot - the program is installed. If there is no synchronization program, but there is a device for reading flash cards, file *. cbea can be stored on the card and run from there. Note: This operation can not be performed using the standard File Manager supplied with - he can not run.Is there HaaliReader for the BE-300?
Yes! Here.How do hard reset?
As such, hard reset on the BE-300 no. The usual press digging Reset clears all opertivnost memory. If you click Reset, hold down the "OK", BE-300 will enter into Safe Mode, where you can restore the factory settings from the supplied CD-ROM.I can listen to MP3 BE-300?
Yes, either using a standard Music Player in the sales package, or by setting the "pocket" version of Microsoft Windows MediaPlayer, whose sound is noticeably better.I am able to write / read files on Word'ovskie BE-300?
Read yes, using the Quick View Plus, and edited yet. Text editors for the BE-300, those that can be found in the present moment, in terms of functionality consistent Notepad.I am able to write / read Excel files on BE-300?
Yes. There is a program SpreadCE, which "understands" the files *. xls.What file formats are generally "aware" BE-300?
If you use only standard software obechspecheniem included in the package, then:- BMP - Photo Viewer
- GIF - Photo Viewer
- JPEG - Photo Viewer
- PNG - Photo Viewer
- MP3 - Music Player
- WAV - Music Player
- CMF - Movie Player
- TXT - Notes
- HTM (L) - Internet
- URL - Internet
- DOC - Quick View Plus
- XLS - Quick View Plus
- PPT - Quick View Plus
What is MyCasio?
This is a service department, which develops multimedia content (movies, music, etc.), specially optimized to work on the Casio BE-300. Use the results of her work, visit the site is Windows CE.Net for the BE-300 and where can I take?
Detailed information on this subject can be found here. End ofOperating System
Which operating system is used in the Casio BE-300?
Windows CE 3.0. But! In order to reduce the cost of the final product, Casio did not purchase from Microsoft a license to use graphical user interface (GUI) Pocket PC. Therefore, the "external" (that is what we see on the screen), BE-300 is different from other PDAs on the Windows CE 3.0. There are also internal differences - on the BE-300 is set slightly "stripped down" version of Windows CE 3.0, which does not hvatatet several libraries (system files) that exist in other PDAs with this operating system. Therefore, many programs written for Pocket PC is not working for Casio BE-300.Can I install the Pocket PC for Casio BE-300?
None.Can I install Linux on the BE-300?
No information about any one successfully installed, but distributions can search here (ie for MIPS, but BE300 list of supported devices is not) and here (here netbsd).How to start a program, if there is a *. exe or *. cbea file?
Using any File Manager, but standard - double click or click "OK"Can I install the software for BE300 Windows CE?
In principle yes, but with some reservations. Firstly, (see above) in the OS BE-300 lacks some of the libraries, so that before attempting to run the program for Windows CE is to install the patch (see link at the end of the paragraph). Further. Practice shows that usually run the program for Windows CE 2.11, than for Windows CE 3.0. To run the program you want to transfer the executable (*. exe) on the BE-300, and then run it using the File Manager GSFinder. If you put a file in the folder \ Storage Card \ Program Files corresponding icon will appear in the Top MenuHow to install the program on BE-300 without a PC Connect?
Install and run on a large computer Microsoft ActiveSync. Then locate the folder for the program with a file extension of *. cbea, copy the Cassiopea and run (double click or a knock "OK"). Reboot - the program is installed. If there is no synchronization program, but there is a device for reading flash cards, file *. cbea can be stored on the card and run from there. Note: This operation can not be performed using the standard File Manager supplied with - he can not run.How can I easily switch between tasks?
Indeed, the use of memory settings, just to close the current application is not too convenient. It is necessary to download one of the numerous applications for the management of current programs, such as here.How to make was not a squeak every 30 seconds when the battery gets?
Disable the "squeaker" in the Settings>> Volume & Sounds>> Buzzer switch>> "Off"How to assign other programs icon under the screen?
With this program, Button Mapper.What is Windows CE.Net for the BE-300 and where can I take?
Detailed information on this subject can be found here.How to restore factory settings?
Run PC Connect, divert BE-300 in Safe Mode (OK + Reset), press OK again to calibrate the screen, select the PC Connection. Insert a disc that was included in the CD-ROM, a PC Connect select Tool>> Restore>> Restore Factory Defaults. End ofAlternative membrane
As in EpodXP enter Russian letters?
Quite successfully working crack RussKey BE Lite (Lite - the keyboard only, without the Russification of the interface).But the interface itself EpodXP Russify not?
Possible. Read here and here.How to add icons to the desktop SQPL?
These shortcuts in folders hryanyatsya Nand Disk \ Program Files \ SQ \ 1 and Nand Disk \ Program Files \ SQ \ 2 (first and second pages of "desktop"). Accordingly, by adding or removing icons in this folder, you can regulate what appears on the desktop, and rename the labels can also create a folder "3", "4" and "5" (no longer) and increase the number of pages of the desktop.Why when you start Internet Explorer in Epod XP offers a lot of windows?
Need to close the process facelift (cross right, bottom) and it is better to move to version Epod 2.0 and above.PC Connect does not work from under EpodXP 1.9!
It happens. For someone working who do not. Solutions there is no problem.General recommendation: The higher the version Epod, the smaller glitches.How do I uninstall EpodXP
Nothing. Restore factory settings from the disk or restore your own "backup". End ofIron
Which memory cards are supported?
Operate any card format, Compact Flash, including the IBM Microdrive. To work with the IBM Microdrive Casio recommends to download an update ( here from this page.I have heard that BE300 some unusual screen?
Despite that unusual call :-). Unlike most modern PDAs have BE-300 is not TFT-screen display with a passive matrix (the so-called family DualScan). The screens used in the early notebooks. They are cheaper than TFT, but have a smaller viewing angle, great "reaction time" (ie the image of "retarding" and not updated as frequently as in the TFT). And yet, the controller operates the display color in the representation of 16 bits, but displayed only 15 bits.How does the memory of BE-300?
In the BE-300 is a 16MB RAM and 16MB Flash-Memory While, for example, Shell SQ sees only 12MB instead of 16MB. When booting Windows CE 3.0, sewn into Flash in the archived state, unpacked and written in the RAM. Also unpacked the so-called "Casio-vskie" files located in the internal Flash-memory and have an CPK. These files are also copied to RAM. The remaining memory is used by the programs launched for storing data and executable code.Is there a modem for BE-300?
Yes, for example in the form factor Compact Flash, such as Pretec CompactModem 56K 3.3V (see here). End ofNetworking
Can I access the Internet via a cell phone?
Yes. This requires a phone capable of transmitting data and the corresponding cords. Some information on these cords can be obtained here on the website Casio.Can I get online with the BE-300 through a desktop computer?
Yes. To do this you need to download the program here, install it on a desktop computer, the settings "Beshka" tick "use proxy" (use proxy) and set the address that the program will show in the "HTTP". A detailed review of procedures is available here.Is there a modem for BE-300?
Pretec CompactModem 56K 3.3V - $ 115 in "The computer in the palm." End ofSynchronization
What is the difference between PC Connect and Active Sync?
Only with the help of PC Connect can synchronize mail and contacts with your desktop computer. In addition, when installing programs via ActiveSync, you must manually transfer the file with the extension *. cbea on the BE-300 and there to run it through GSFinder or another file manager. But with the help of ActiveSync is much more convenient to transfer files to and from the BE-300. In addition, ActiveSync less hangs.PC Connect hangs!
Probably the most common question in our conference. It hangs when transferring large files, sometimes when you synchronize. The majority of problems helps patch, make the most of Casio. If he is powerless to try to use the program ActiveSync (in this case, the BE-300 will need to install this utility here). ActiveSync is much more convenient to transfer files, but will not allow you using the standard Top Menu synchronize with Microsoft Outlook.Can I transfer files to the BE-300 without using Active Sync?
Yes, of course, though somewhat "crooked." In the PC Connect is a function of "Folder Syncronization" ("Synchronizing Folders"), which performs this operation. You must specify a folder on the BE-300 and the folder on the desktop and their contents will be "equated".Why connect to the PC Connect does not start when I insert the BE-300 in the cradle?
First, make sure the feature is enabled automatically connect to a PC (there is a tick in Coonections>> PC Connect>> Automatically connect to PC). Second, be sure to shut down Active Sync. It is not enough to simply click on the cross, to the list of processes (called by CTRL + ALT + DEL) "kill" the process wincecomm. If not help, restart your computer. End ofProblems
Mobile Video Converter can not convert the file!
First, wait. The program works very slowly and should not be upset that it hung until it really did not. Secondly, with files larger than 100 MB really have problems and there's nothing you can do.Third, make sure you use a file format, AVI or MPEG. And it was an AVI and not expand *. avi, namely, such movies have a resolution DivX (also known as MPEG-4) on CD-ROM. Such files can not convert the program.PC Connect hangs!
Probably the most common question in our conference. It hangs when transferring large files, sometimes when you synchronize. The majority of problems helps patch, make the most of Casio. If he is powerless to try to use the program ActiveSync (in this case, the BE-300 will need to install this utility here). ActiveSync is much more convenient to transfer files, but will not allow you using the standard Top Menu synchronize with Microsoft Outlook.What to do when a terrible hang: just a white screen?
Press both the Power and Reset, the BE-300 will be initialized until the screen inscription Starting ... nachazhat Reset + OK, and Casio is normally released in Safe Mode. If this does not work, wait until just sit Battery - up to zero, then charged again.Time may not display: 7.00 instead of 19.00 even nastoroykah on a 24-hour format. What should I do?
This bug first version of localization RussKey BE 1.0. Swing update from, the problem is corrected in version 1.11Is it true to the BE-300 buggy calculator?
True, true. But this is, like, only the interest - they can not take it. The rest is working properly.Why does a list of meetings begins to scroll, even though I did not click?
This is a well-known terminology, "not a bug, a feature." That is, it's not a bug, so developers have conceived. Uncomfortable, but nothing helped.PC Connect does not work from under EpodXP 1.9!
It happens. For someone working who do not. Solutions there is no problem. General recommendation: The higher the version Epod, the smaller glitches.I moved to the BE-300 a few pictures, but the Photo Viewer does not show all
Most likely, the images have a resolution higher than 640x480. To view photos (and other pictures) with this program, they must be in JPEG (*. jpeg, *. jpg), BMP (*. bmp), GIF (*. gif), PNG (*. png), resolution should not exceed 640x480 pixels. Larger images can be viewed by third-party applications, such as Resco Picture Viewer.After working in the network off feature auto power off. What should I do?
The system is configured so that prohibits auto power off during a session of data transmission. So after work on the Internet then restart BE-300 (soft reboot), then turn off and turn it on again. Auto Power Off function is restored.Why connect to the PC Connect does not start when I insert the BE-300 in the cradle?
First, make sure the feature is enabled automatically connect to a PC (there is a tick in Coonections>> PC Connect>> Automatically connect to PC). Second, be sure to shut down Active Sync. It is not enough to simply click on the cross, to the list of processes (called by CTRL + ALT + DEL) "kill" the process wincecomm. If not help, restart your computer.Russian keyboard cut to the width of the control panel installed in the shell Xpod, although functioning
Setting RussKey BE Light, in the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ ControlPanel \ Sip \ DragStyle need to change from 1 to 0. After that, the keyboard will be displayed fully. The authors, translation:HPCru